Coolest DIY Wordplay Dunkin Donuts Costume for a Couple

Coolest Homemade Dunkin Donuts Costume Ideas and Photos

This year for Halloween my boyfriend and I were “Dunkin Donuts”. We only wanted easy costumes and he loves their coffee and who doesn’t love a pair of basketball playing donuts? The donuts are made of a polar-fleece material stuffed with polyfiber (which helped keep us warm for much of the night and also served … Read more

Coolest Chris Farley Chippendale Costume

Homemade Chris Farley Chippendale Costume

We put this outfit together when we were invited to a “Saturday Night Live” themed costume party. Without the pillow, it also works as Patrick Swayze’s character, but the Chris Farley character is just much more hilarious! It even comes with its own theme song: “Everybody’s workin’ for the weekend!” What you need: Tuxedo cuffs … Read more

Coolest Homemade Delivery Boy and Package Couple Costume

Homemade Delivery Boy and Package Couple Costume

For Halloween we wanted to wear a unique creative couple costume rather than a boring common one. After brainstorming, we finally came up with the idea for a UPS man and a package! This costume is humorous, fun, and perfect for a comical couple. First I purchased stamps and shipping labels from the UPS store. … Read more

Hot Dog Vendor Homemade Halloween Costume

This was a real homemade Halloween costume. You will need: one box, depending on the size of subject, red material, white spray paint, ketchup and mustard bottles, hotdogs and buns (two each), hot glue, newspaper and black markers, coffee filters (2) and duck tape string. I started off with a box and enclosed it completely … Read more

Coolest Homemade Harry Potter Pet Costume

Homemade Harry Potter Pet Costume

I am a huge Harry Potter fan, actually my whole family is (minus my husband). So when Halloween came around I found it only fitting to make our four legged child Harry Potter!!! For the glasses, I used brown pipe cleaners with masking tape to make them look broken! I looped them around his ears … Read more

Coolest Fruit of the Loom Doggy Style Costume

Fruit of the Loom Doggy Style Costume

I honestly don’t remember what made me choose to make my little puppy into a bunch of grapes but I can tell you that to this day, my Boston Terrier, Jake, is still traumatized from the Fruit of the Loom Doggy style costume. Supplies: white baby t-shirt, purple balloons, Safety pins, green construction paper, scissors, … Read more

Coolest Homemade Elephant Costume

Homemade Elephant Costume

I wanted to have a large, grey bum for Halloween so my husband and I created this elephant costume for the big night. It started with a fat suit from a Big Bertha costume, then a large, grey homemade dress with pink paw pads and a tail with the fuzzy black tip. The head was … Read more

Coolest Homemade Cowardly Lion from Wizard of Oz Costume

Homemade Cowardly Lion from Wizard of Oz Costume

My children decided they wanted the family to do the Wizard of OZ theme this year for Halloween. After checking out store bought costumes I decided I could make a much better homemade Cowardly Lion from Wizard of Oz costume for a much cheaper price. First I bought a cheap tan sweatsuit with a hood … Read more

Coolest Homemade Tinkerbell and Captain Hook Couple Costumes

Homemade Tinkerbell and Captain Hook Couple Costumes

I always wanted to dress as Tinkerbell for Halloween, so when I finally convinced my husband to be Captain Hook, I started right away with our Tinkerbell and Captain Hook Couple Costumes. For my Tinkerbell costume, I started with the green crushed fabric and the bodice of what was the top part of my prom … Read more

Coolest Homemade Scarecrow from Wizard of Oz Costume

Homemade Scarecrow from Wizard of Oz Costume

My children decided they wanted the family to do the Wizard of OZ theme this year for Halloween. After checking out store bought costumes I decided I could make a much better homemade Scarecrow from Wizard of Oz costume for a much cheaper price. I used an old pair of brown pants and an old … Read more

Coolest Homemade iPod Couple Costume

Homemade iPod Couple Costume

This Homemade iPod Couple Costume is actually from a few years ago, but we still get compliments on it. We made them out of foam rubber, folded in half and stitched up the sides and cut out a hole in the top for our heads. I designed the front and backs of the iPods in … Read more

Coolest Homemade Fallen Angel Costume

Homemade Fallen Angel Costume

As a Police Officer, I wanted to do something totally opposite to myself. I thought of a A Fallen Angel costume. Good and bad at the same time. My costume consisted of a dress which I bought from Joyce Leslie for $25.00. This was a sexy dress and I also chose it because you could … Read more