Coolest Homemade Mother and Baby Optical Illusion Costume

Homemade Mother and Baby Optical Illusion Costume

I got a lot of compliments on this Mother and Baby Optical Illusion Costume, and double-takes, with this costume. I bought a dress from a thrift store and cut a hole in the back for my torso. The rest of the dress was stuffed with newspaper and a curtain rod supported the head and shoulders … Read more

Coolest Roller Coaster Costume

Homemade Roller Coaster Costume

This Homemade Roller Coaster Costume is a very cool costume because it shows how your hair is spiked, and is a very unique and different costume. It was extremely hard to make, but was definitely worth it. It took me countless hours, and is totally handmade. It took me about one week, because it took … Read more

Horse Costume

This is a horse costume I made for a birthday party we had in a house. It’s a knight or a king riding a horse. The funny part is that you will look like a little person riding a horse! You will need a cardboard box as wide as you are and approximately four feet … Read more

Coolest Homemade Alien Halloween Costume Idea

Homemade Alien Halloween Costume Idea

I chose to be this homemade alien Halloween costume idea last minute. I bought blue paint for $1 and went to town. I spray painted myself with glitter and painted my lips black. I found the top at goodwill and bought the wig from Walmart. I made the ears myself with long toothpicks and aluminum … Read more

Coolest Shower Costume

Homemade Shower Costume

This was my eight year old daughter’s idea. We took an inexpensive shower curtain and hooks, hula-hoop, shower brush, lots of silver air-duct tape, cardboard tubes, empty soap box, small hand towel, saran wrap and tinsel. She wore a shower cap, mud face mask (green face paint),a pink turtle neck and leggins, finished off with … Read more

Coolest Homemade Toilet Costume

Homemade Toilet Costume

My son and I were trying to decide what he should be for Halloween, and the longer we thought about it we came up with the idea for him to be a Toilet Costume. So I (mom) went out and got some cardboard boxes, white duck tape and some white craft paint. And I started … Read more

Unusual Halloween Costume – Bubble Bath

For this unusual Halloween costume, I bought a large white planter that will be able to fit your body. If you can’t find white, buy the lightest color and spray paint white. Drill holes and attached rope or webbing to make shoulder straps. Drill holes all around the upper part of planter. Insert blown up … Read more

Coolest Rodeo Clown Costume

Rodeo Clown Costume

We waited untill the last minute to come up with my son’s costume last year and since he already had western clothes we decided to make him a rodeo clown costume. The only thing we really had to make was the barrel. All I did was take brown fabric and make a sleeve and put … Read more

Coolest House Divided Costume

Coolest House Divided Costume

Because our house is divided by football teams, we came up with this fun idea to be a House Divided Costume. My husband roots for University of Oklahoma and I’m an Oklahoma State University fan. We used some cardboard boxes, spray paint and paper to create our customes. We won first place for these simple … Read more

Coolest DIY Zombie Football Referee Halloween Costume

DIY Zombie Football Referee Halloween Costume

My son and I Tommy from Louisville, KY decided to get real creative this year. We built a zombie referee carrying a peewee football player. We built it mostly out of Styrofoam and PVC pipe, all stuffed into a back pack. I referee football so the uniform shirt, pants, flag, whistle, socks, hat and shoes … Read more

Coolest Dome Tent Costume

Homemade Dome Tent Costume

My five-year-old loves to go camping, so I thought it would be fun to create a Homemade Dome Tent Costume for him. He LOVED it. I started with a cardboard box. I cut the top and bottom flaps off of the box and folded the rest of it flat. That resulted in two layers of … Read more