ClownCon Cutest Clown Costume

ClownCon Costume

Every year in London we have a ClownCon and this was to be my first. So I took a day off work and made a clown costume. I got cottons from the charity shop and still had some pink taffeta with stars lying around. I made a skirt out of the pink taffeta and added … Read more

Coolest Facebook Halloween Costume

Homemade Facebook Halloween Costume

This Homemade Facebook Halloween Costume is really easy….all you need is scissors, markers, scotch tape, glue, poster boards and a flat screen TV box. Magazine optional. Cover entire TV box after facebook profile pic hole is cut out. Cover entire box with poster board. Glue and tape it down. You can use magazine for advertisments … Read more

Firefighter Costume

Five days before Halloween my 4-year-old daughter, decided that she passionately wanted to be a firefighter. It was nearly impossible at this late date to find a firefighter costume at the store and when I finally did find a firefighter costume at a Halloween specialty shop it cost $60! So, I examined the firefighter costume … Read more

Coolest Earth, Wind and Fire Halloween Costume

Homemade Earth, Wind and Fire Costume

Earth, Wind and Fire Costume The whole idea for my son’s costume started from this creation that we saw online – we took a step farther. Trying to find something of interest for him was simple by adding Bugs to the equation. Then a play on the band Earth, Wind and Fire we stretched the … Read more

Coolest Homemade Rainbow Halloween Costume Idea

Homemade Rainbow Halloween Costume Idea

I really like Halloween. And when I found out that this past Halloween was going to double as my best friend’s bachelorette party, I knew I had to up my game. She was going as a unicorn and I felt she needed an equally magical rainbow friend… How’d I make this homemade rainbow Halloween costume … Read more

Coolest Homemade Caterpillar Halloween Costume

Homemade Caterpillar Halloween Costume

This year my kids went with a bug theme for their Halloween costumes. My son wanted a Homemade Caterpillar Halloween Costume. I had a hard time finding the right material to use for the costume until I went to the blanket section in Walmart and found a fuzzy lime green 50-60 square feet throw blanket. … Read more

Coolest Homemade Spider Boy Costume

Homemade Spider Boy Costume

Our 3 year old grandson is first realizing what Halloween is all about. He decided he wanted to be a spider. I had seen one with green eyes and thought it made the costume more spooky. I found an old pumpkin costume and adapted that to be the body of the Homemade Spider Boy Costume. … Read more

Coolest Bug Zapper Costume

Coolest Bug Zapper Costume

My younger sister needed a costume she could wear while sitting in a wheel chair. Being the most cynical one of us all, (and with trying to keep with the insect theme we had going), she decided to be the Bug Zapper. This Bug Zapper Costume got the most laughs when she was pushed behind … Read more

Coolest Fall Leaves Halloween Costume

Fall Leaves Halloween Costume

One of the best parts of fall is the colored leaves. So don’t just look at them- wear them. My son, Dusty, was turning 11 the week before Halloween, so we decided to have a birthday/Halloween party. Since this is his last year in elementary school we decided to have everyone dress up. Dusty is … Read more

Coolest Homemade Venus Flytrap and Fly Couple Costume

Homemade Venus Flytrap and Fly Couple Costume

I started out making my grandson a fly by just using a black furry coat vest and sewing on the front and the back a shell like a turtle and attaching black wings covered with multi-colored saran wrap. I sewed a black cone on the back so that it looked like a flies’ body. He … Read more

Coolest Dragonfly Costume

Coolest Dragonfly Costume 2

I made this one for my one of my daughters this year with the materials I had at home. Some things I had to buy, (glitter and knee-high nylons). I spent about $4 total on the things I didn’t have. Materials Needed – [Wings:] * Heavy-duty Wire (Mechanic’s Wire) * Pipe Cleaners * Knee-High Nylons … Read more