Cool Homemade Tank Costume for a Boy

“Army of One – American Transformer” This is my 12 year old son Billy and his costume which we call Army of One! But First I’m going to give you a bit of background on why we started this. Years ago my family and I suffered a tragic loss on a Halloween morning, So for … Read more

Cool DIY Queen of Hearts and King of Spades Couple Costume

Queen of Hearts & King of Spade

My husband and I always bought Halloween costumes in the previous years. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we had the time to work on a costume and we chose to make a Queen of Hearts and King of Spades couple Costume. Also I just recently started my YouTube journey (Arthi’s Life) and we thought what … Read more

What a Clever DIY Wordplay Couple Costume Idea!

Cleverest DIY Couples Costume Ever!

“Put Another Shrimp on the Barbie!” I always love going as a pun or some clever phrase for Halloween and wasn’t sure what couple costume idea to do for this year. I had seen people wearing a Shrimp hat with a barbie tee shirt before and I thought that was funny, but when my husband … Read more

Cool DIY White Claw Machine Costume

White Claw machine

This White Claw Machine costume was a fun costume to make, minus the multiple hot glue gun burns or my 3am frustrations. The best part about it was drinking the white claws so I had the empty cans to utilize. This part was my favorite and is also what probably lead to so many hot … Read more

Coolest Homemade Vacuum Cleaner Costume – This Costume Doesn’t Suck!

This Costume Doesn't Suck!

It doesn’t suck literally or figuratively. The literal not sucking is a compromise of my 4-year old son’s original vision of having a vacuum costume that could even suck up candy when trick-or-treating. He settled on a backpack where he could pretend play that the candy got vacuumed. He was thrilled with the result and … Read more

Fun Couple Costume: Alien and Tourist Shot in Area 51

Shot in Area 51 but still saw them aliens

When the Storm Area 51 event landed on my Facebook feed like thousands of planes landed in Paradise, Nevada’s McCarran Airport on September 20, 2019, I knew I had to do something about it. I’ve been going hard on Halloween since 2014 and my sister since 2015, and this was the first opportunity we had to … Read more

Fun and Easy to Make Dirty Laundry Costume for the Entire Family

Dirty laundry!

Don’t forget to wash your dirty laundry, with Tide detergent, in your very own washer and dryer! All you’ll need is some boxes, white paint (or you can use duct tape), cutting supplies, a clear bowl, some clothes, tape, and if you have a printer you can print all the stuff you see pictured! Or … Read more

Adorable Home-Sewn Pincushion Costume for a Dog

Sew Adorable Pincushion Costume for a pup)

This is my 5th year creating a homemade costume for my dogs.  In all prior years, my dogs’ costumes have been food related, but this year I decided to do something different.  I recently started sewing and decided the perfect costume would be pincushions for the dogs with me being a pile a of scrap … Read more

Coolest DIY Fire Truck Costume for a Wheelchair

Noah's Fire Truck Costume for a Wheelchair

Our son Noah is 3 ½ and has Acute Flaccid Myelitis and this was his first Halloween using his wheelchair. Noah very much wants to be a firefighter when he grows up and my wife and I fully support him in that goal.  Noah does intensive physical therapy 3 times a week to regain his … Read more

Cool Pinata Costume for a Toddler

Pinata Costume

Ryan, my 13 month old is the stud wearing the piñata costume.  This piñata didn’t provide any candy, but he sure looked sweet wearing it! I found it on Pinterest. It’s felt cut into strips and fringed, then glued onto a long sleeve one piece outfit.  The hat is cones made from a sheet of … Read more

Funny Chia Head and Chia Pet Costume for a Couple

Cool Chia Head and Chia Pet Costume for a Couple

I wanted to create a couple’s costume for my husband Philip and myself that was different and funny – here’s our Chia head and Chia Pet costume. Plus…who doesn’t love 80’s nostalgia. I started off by making the Chia head. Then I spray painted a bald cap green with paint I already had. I bought … Read more