Cool Homemade Firefighter Costume Ideas

Coolest Homemade Firefighter Costume Ideas

I got most of the ideas from this website for a firefighter costume. First I got a black shirt from Wal-Mart. I got it a size 4-5 even though my son wears a 2T. That way it would fit over his clothes if it was cold on Halloween night. I cut off the shirt tails … Read more

Cool DIY Hot Dog Vendor Halloween Costume

Original Homemade Halloween Costume Ideas

This was a real homemade Halloween costume. You will need: one box, depending on the size of subject, red material, white spray paint, ketchup and mustard bottles, hotdogs and buns (two each), hot glue, newspaper and black markers, coffee filters (2) and duck tape string. I started off with a box and enclosed it completely … Read more

What a Cool Homemade Insect Catcher Costume

Most Unusual Costumes to Make at Home

We dressed Jordan up as an insect catcher. She wore “nature lovers” clothes, a butterfly net, hiking boots etc. We made pipe cleaner insects and sewed them on her clothing. Then we took a shoe box, cut out the back of it and cut holes in the pocket of her sweatshirt. Her hands came out … Read more

Pirate Costume

My son really loves pirates so I decided to look in this wonderful website and I got a lot of great ideas on a pirate costume. I didn’t want to spend over twenty dollars for the pirate costumes at the department stores so I went to the thrift store and came up with my own. … Read more

Coolest Homemade Syringe Costume

Homemade Syringe Costume

My Cat was recently diagnosed with Diabetes, so I originally wanted to recycle the many syringes I go through, but aside from porcupine, I blocked on ideas and I didn’t have enough yet for my one idea. So it finally occurred to me to just BE a Homemade Syringe Costume. I really wanted a cylindrical … Read more

Coolest Plastic Surgery Junkie Costume

Homemade  Plastic Surgery Junkie Costume

This Homemade Plastic Surgery Junkie Costume focused primarily on the make up! I was a Plastic Surgery junkie so I highlighted my cheekbones, plumped up my lips, and made my face look plastic, as well as adding some black dotted surgeon lines and arrows. I wore a short authentic hospital gown with the phrase “make … Read more

Coolest Crayola Crayon Costume

Homemade Crayola  Crayon Costume

The shoes were cheap £6 white plimsoles. Leggings were plain black. The sheet that was wrapped around was also plain white polyester. This fabric didn’t absorb the dye very well but I thought that added to the Crayola Crayon Costume. The pattern on the sheets was done by spray painting stencils onto the sheet. It … Read more

Best Ever Crayola Crayons and their Box Costume

Crayola Crayons and their Box Costume

We made the girls these homemade crayola crayons and their box costume with felt, black paint metal clothes hangers, and party hats. The box we painted and Velcroed in the back so they could come out of it. These costumes took us a few days to do, especially the paint part!!! We were very proud … Read more

Coolest Homemade Highlighter Costume

Homemade Highlighter Costume

For Halloween me and my mom made a Highlighter Costume for me. We took a laundry bag and cut out the bottom so my legs could fit through, then we spray painted it neon yellow. Later, I sewed on some handles which I found in my basement, which I also spray painted neon yellow. Then … Read more

Coolest Tool Box Costume

Homemade Snap-On Tool Box Costume

This tool box costume idea came to me because at the time I worked in a repair shop. I used two computer boxes as a start, but any durable box would do. They are attached using zip-ties. I cut out the holes for the drawers, arms, head, and the entire bottom for walking. I fashioned … Read more

Coolest Homemade Playing Cards Costumes

Homemade Playing Cards Costumes

My roommate and I dressed up as the Playing Cards Costumes from Disney’s Alice in Wonderland who were ‘painting the roses red.’ The costumes were really easy to make. The cards were made out of pillowcases and felt, and I made the buckets out of cardboard and duct tape. I’m wearing a ski mask and … Read more