Butterfly Costume

The dress for this butterfly costume was bought from someone who made it, I made the wings myself. I took a huge piece of cardboard and covered it in pink silky fabric with black lining and made a pattern with it. Then, I outlined the wings with battery operated Christmas lights. It lit up when … Read more

Lady Bug Costume

My little lady bug in her lady bug costume was a hit. I made her a lady bug costume on my own and used more ideas than money. Since she is a little girl (this was her second birthday) I needed just half a meter of red tulle. I cut it into two long stripes … Read more

Coolest Homemade Human Statue Costume

Homemade Human Statue Costume

To make the Homemade Human Statue Costume I used several sized boxes, 1 for the pedestal and 4 for the upper and lower tiers. I wrapped all the boxes in textured white wallpaper and assembled them all together. I then glued on ivy in a draped pattern. I painted my daughter’s hair and face with … Read more

Coolest Homemade Greek God and Goddess Couple Costume

Homemade Greek God and Goddess Couple Costume

I didn’t like any of the toga costumes I saw in the store. They were overpriced and cheaply made and besides, I couldn’t find one large enough for my broad shouldered husband, so I decided to make my own Homemade Greek God and Goddess Couple Costume. These costumes were sewn using patterns from McCalls that … Read more

Coolest Medusa and Athena Costumes

Homemade Medusa and Athena Costumes

I really wanted to be Medusa, but wanted a unique headpiece. I bought a case of rubber “squishy” snakes and wired them the mesh of a black wig, making them seem like they were slithering through each other. It was helpful to have a wig form head, I got one for 25 cents at a … Read more

Coolest Homemade Dia De Los Muertos Couple Costume

Homemade Dia De Los Muertos Couple Costume

My birthday is on Halloween. I never dressed-up ever. So when I was pressured by my husband and friends to actually go out and dress up – I didn’t want to be something everyone else was, and since I am obsessed with anything that has to do with Dia De Los Muertos I had to … Read more

Coolest Garbage Halloween Costume

Garbage Halloween Costume

This garbage Halloween costume allowed me to pull my head and arms inside and become completely unseen. I could lean against the wall and look as though I were a pile of trash bags and boxes. Scared quite a few people when they would walk by and I’d poke my head out. Luckily I didn’t … Read more

Coolest Homemade Clothes Washer Halloween Costume

Homemade Clothes Washer Halloween Costume

We decided that a fun costume would be to take a cardboard box and make it look like a clothes washer and then attach a cheap wash basket to the top where my daughter’s head was in. We put some pieces of clothing in the basket and had a sock sticking out the door. We … Read more

Coolest Homemade Bistro Table Costume

Homemade Bistro Table Costume

I speak French so excuse my English! Since 4 years, Ive decided to make the Homemade Bistro Table Costume for my girls. When we go on the street, everyone is looking at us and it feels great! The table is made with carton and it is very light. It cost me 5$ only and it … Read more

Coolest Homemade Volcano Costume

Homemade Volcano Costume - Mount St. Abby

I wanted an original and cheap Halloween costume for my daughter Abby that would wear well for her many parties and outings with friends. We were watching a TV show one night about volcanoes and my daughter said “that is so cool!” Bingo! I said “hey, how would you like to be a volcano?” to … Read more

Coolest Homemade Royal Knight Halloween Costume

Homemade Royal Knight Halloween Costume

My 3.5 year old Derrick decided he wanted a Homemade Royal Knight Halloween Costume. I did some looking around for a good knight costume but all the costumes were lame, too expensive, or both. So I put this together for him. Granted it is not perfect and if I had it to do over there … Read more

Coolest Smoke Breathing Dragon Costume

Homemade Smoke Breathing Dragon Costume

ROAR!!! As expected, this Smoke Breathing Dragon Costume is very imposing. At nearly 12′ tall, it definitely stands out in a crowd on on the street. Definitely my most elaborate and possibly my most favorite costume ever. The entire project took about 80 or so work hours, and was well worth it. It’s height and … Read more