Soccer Childrens Halloween Costume

The idea came to me late at night, as great ideas often do. My daughter was really into soccer and wanted to wear her soccer uniform as a childrens Halloween costume. Well, I knew I could do better than that… instead of a soccer player; she would be the soccer ball as a childrens Halloween … Read more

Coolest Oldtimers Halloween Costume

Look at the OLD Couple!!

My sister and I went to the Thrift shops in the neighborhood not knowing what we were gonna do for Halloween costumes. So I started by picking up a pair of blue plaited polyester man’s pants and a cool blue dress shirt. Then we went over to the woman’s section and picked up a really … Read more

Coolest Old Lady Giving Out Candy Costume

Old Lady Giving Out Candy Costume

My costume is of an old lady with a door who hands out candy to all the “cute trick-or-treaters” who knock on her door. This old lady giving out candy costume took about a week to construct, and withstood many material changes. The door is completely handmade out of foam board and wooden frame. It’s … Read more

Coolest Child Nun Costume

Homemade Child Nun Costume

Looking for something different and had no luck. Went to church and saw the nuns and that gave me the perfect idea to make for my two year old. Her outfit was sewn and her head piece was a skirt pant with a head band underneath. We received lots of attention for this Homemade Child … Read more

Coolest Homemade Baby Seahorse Costume

Homemade Baby Seahorse Costume

My son has had a fixation with fish, and ocean life in general, since he was tiny. When my brother got married in Hawaii, we bought a watercolor painting of seahorses at the Ocean Rider seahorse farm, and it’s one of my son’s favorite things to look at. So, for his first Halloween, a Baby … Read more

Coolest Homemade Angler Fish Costume

Homemade Angler Fish Costume

I loved the movie ‘Finding Nemo’ and came up with the idea to make an Homemade Angler Fish Costume this year. I started with a chickwire frame. As you can see, it came out better than I expected. Over the wire I put duct tape to help keep the shape. I then put paper mache … Read more

Coolest Homemade Jellyfish Halloween Costume Idea

Homemade Jellyfish Halloween Costume Idea

This homemade jellyfish Halloween costume idea is my favorite costume that I’ve made. It wasn’t too bad to put together and transporting it was easy. It all started with my sister wanting to be a goldfish for Halloween, I was short on ideas so I bummed off her theme and decided to be a jellyfish. … Read more

Original Homemade Jellyfish Costume

Homemade Jellyfish Costume

I have been a big costume for years. I’m not really into that sexy girl. So I made a Jellyfish Costume. I used a crabbing net I found at a yard sale. I cut a hole in the smaller part of the net and put the hula hoop in the middle to make it more … Read more

Coolest Greaser 57 Chevy Costume

Greaser/'57 Chevy Costume

Our son won his age division and the overall costume contest in this costume. The Greaser ’57 Chevy costume was primarily made from a cardboard box that we already had. We already had all of the paint (latex house paint) and used only black, white, yellow and red. The colors can be easily mixed to … Read more

Coolest Homemade F-117 Stealth Fighter Costume

Homemade F-117 Stealth Fighter Costume

After looking at this site, I decided that I could build a homemade Halloween costume. The F-117 seemed like an easy costume to build. The Homemade F-117 Stealth Fighter Costume was constructed using cardboard and hot glue. Then two layers of paper mache were applied; this was a little tricky because the paper mache wants … Read more

Coolest Homemade Backhoe Halloween Costume

Homemade Backhoe Halloween Costume

My 4.5 year old son, who is fascinated by construction equipment, decided that this year he would like to be a backhoe. Knowing right off that there would be no store bought costume available, my husband and I set about devising how to construct a Homemade Backhoe Halloween Costume. First off we started sketching out … Read more

Coolest Bulldozer Costume

Homemade Bulldozer Costume

I made this Bulldozer Costume for my 3 year old son who loves construction. I made it out of diaper boxes, and duct tape. I used real working flashlights for the headlights and the cherry top light was a dollar store find! The tracks I made using nylon rope and just hot glued it to … Read more