Coolest Christmas Tree Homemade Costume

Christmas Tree Costume

Having always been a fan of making my own Halloween costume I decided I would “branch” out last year on this idea. I have seen many Christmas tree costumes online before but none of them had been very realistic. I spent many hours thinking of the best way to coordinate everything into making the best … Read more

Coolest Washing Machine Halloween Costume

Washing Machine Halloween Costume

My wee boy, Cooper, is washing machine daft. He knows all the makes and loves looking at them in books etc. We decided to make him a washing machine Halloween costume. We made it from an old vacuum cleaner box(the perfect size for a 3 year old)and made a hole for his head and a … Read more

Coolest Homemade Washer Costume

Homemade Washer Costume

I used a cardboard box for the washer. I covered it in white contact paper and cut holes in the top for the head and front for the window. I used a small white laundry basket on top, cut a hole in it and wired it to the box. For the window, I used a … Read more

Coolest Homemade Trash Man Costume

Homemade Trash Man Costume

My son is only two years old, so I figured this would be my last chance to put him in something “cute”. In September I ran to the store and bought not one, but two costumes, a dog and a dragon. Well, my headstrong son refused to wear either one and was adamant(since August) he … Read more

Coolest Homemade Volcano Halloween Costume

Homemade Volcano Halloween Costume

My son is fascinated by volcanoes and wanted a homemade volcano Halloween costume. Luckily this site was a very helpful resource. As some of you may be aware: you can’t buy a volcano costume. The fabric store nearby had a huge sale on fleece and felt, so we bought enough brown fleece to make a … Read more

Coolest Homemade Baby Prince Costume

Homemade Baby Prince Costume

Baby brother needed to match big brother’s theme for Halloween and there wasn’t much time left. What to do to make this Homemade Baby Prince Costume? Simple. Take a kitchen towel with a cool design on the edge, add a printable iron-on transfer from the stash combined with a graphic courtesy of the internet, whip … Read more

Dragon Costume

My son, Max insisted on being a fierce dragon for Halloween this year. We looked high and low for any dragon costumes. Aside from very expensive mascot dragon costumes we came up empty. So we ventured to the fabric store. We looked for a pattern. Again we came up empty. This is probably the 2nd … Read more

Coolest Piñata Couple Costume

Piñata Couple Costume

The best piñata costume EVER! !Olé! I decided to be a piñata for Halloween, but I still wanted to look kind of cute, so I didn’t want to cover myself in tissue paper from head to toe. I also wanted an excuse to randomly throw candy at people. After a bit of brainstorming, I came … Read more

Coolest Homemade Plastic Army Men Group Halloween Costume Idea

Homemade Plastic Army Men Group Halloween Costume Idea

Our homemade plastic army men group Halloween costume idea was inspired by a 3D kids movie that was recently released which includes animated plastic army men. We loved the little guys so much we had to figure out a way to be them. We purchased simple military jackets($10), pants ($25) and helmets ($30) from the … Read more

Cool DIY Headless Costume for a Boy

Homemade Headless Boy Costume

My son’s costume is a Headless Boy Costume. I made it out of a dress coat, a back pack and a lot of imagination! I had such a great time making this costume ! He won first place in our local costume contest and got his picture in the paper! People were taking his picture … Read more

Coolest Homemade Head on Platter Costume

Homemade Head on Platter Costume

I wanted my son to be something original this year. It worked, as everyone loved his Homemade Head on Platter Costume. People were constantly taking pictures of him at the homes we visited and people walking on the streets. Many of them stated that his was the best costume they have seen all night. It … Read more

Creepy DIY Headless Bride Costume

Homemade Headless Bride Costume

This homemade headless bride costume was made from my wedding dress. I figured this way, my daughter would actually wear my wedding dress, even if it wasn’t for her wedding! We used a backpack with the handle that pulls up in the back and attached a hanger to the top of the handle. This way, … Read more