Bush Costume

Bush Costume

“The bush” is a double meaning costume. Let’s begin with how this concept came about. It started that I wanted to be poison ivy because she has red hair as do I. So I decided I would make it myself because all the poison ivy costumes I saw were too cheesy for my taste. So … Read more

Coolest Birdhouse Costume

Homemade Birdhouse Costume

I decided that I wanted a Homemade Birdhouse Costume this year so I started with a moving box that I spray painted brown and cut a hole big enough (at the front) in it for my head to see out of. I then painted windows on the other sides of the box and taped with … Read more

Venus Flytrap Creative Halloween Costume

I started this creative Halloween costume with an egg shape cut out of cardboard. I cut the edges inward and duct taped them to get the curve just right. I duplicated this for the bottom portion of the head but cut out a gap for my son’s head to slide into. The “lips” are made … Read more

Handmade Medusa Costume

Homemade Medusa Costume

This year I decided to be Medusa, the Greek Goddess from Greek Mythology. I did not want to use the store bought costume. They all look too much the same and not unique enough, so I made my own Homemade Medusa Costume. I found material that looked like reptile skin. It was dark green with … Read more

Homemade Medusa Costume

I was thinking of a Halloween costume to wear to work. My husband and I just watched Clash of the Titan’s on the TV when I thought of a Medusa costume. I have to be original and crafty because this is the type of person I am. At first we were just going to get … Read more

Coolest Homemade Frida Kahlo Costume

Homemade Frida Kahlo Costume

I have always loved Frida Kahlo’s paintings and Dia de Los Muertos, so I thought I would mix the two to make a unique Homemade Frida Kahlo Costume. 1)THE ‘DO: I braided my hair into pig tails and then pinned them to the top of my head and arranged bright flowers I bought from the … Read more

Coolest Homemade Christmas Present Under the Tree Costume

Homemade Christmas Present Under the Tree Costume

My daughter, Sierra, does not do gory, gross or scary. In fact, she won’t even stay in the same room if someone is talking about blood, guts or gore. Halloween is obviously not her favorite holiday since it involves all of the above. This year she decided to skip the Halloween horrors and move on … Read more

Coolest Christmas Tree Costume

Homemade Christmas Tree Costume

This Homemade Christmas Tree Costume began 9 yrs ago, when I made a Christmas tree costume for my 2 yr old daughter. When she won a contest that year, I was thrilled! Last year in August, I asked my daughter what she wanted to be for Halloween and she said, “Mother Nature! and why don’t … Read more

Cool Washing Machine Costume

Little Washing Machine

My son has CP and I wanted to make him the cutest and most loved during the holiday. The Washing machine costume was very easy to make and unique around this part. Hope that you love it just as much as I did and everyone around here!

Coolest Homemade Laundry Basket Halloween Costume

Homemade Laundry Basket Halloween Costume

This Homemade Laundry Basket Halloween Costume was an original idea and very easy to make! I was the only person with this costume on and got lots of compliments throughout the night. To start, I bought a wicker/plastic laundry basket that had a linen lining. Since the bottom was just the linen cloth, I cut … Read more

Coolest Recycling Bin Costume

Homemade Recycling Bin Costume

While helping to take out the recycling in September, my daughter started playing with some of the containers and the idea just came to me to make her a RECYCLING BIN! It was super easy, inexpensive, and…. of course it was a recycled and a recyclable costume all in one! What a great lesson for … Read more

Cavewoman Costume

Cavewoman Costume

I decided to dress myself as a cavewoman this year for Halloween. I wanted a way to be original and didn’t want to dress in that pretty-girly costume like any girl. The costume is pretty easy to do. The only things you need is a brown blanket, a piece of fabric with animal print on … Read more