Coolest Homemade Royal English Guard Costume

Homemade Royal English Guard Costume

We made my three year old son a Homemade Royal English Guard Costume for Halloween. I used red material and sewed it into a long, fitted jacket. We trimmed it out with white piping for trim, lots of gold buttons down the front and on the cuffs/collar, and used black and white felt to make … Read more

Coolest Homemade Mountie Costume

Coolest Homemade Mountie Costume

I wanted to be cute and original so this is how I came up with my homemade Mountie costume. I live in the Cayman Islands and Halloween is huge! There are also a TON of Canadians that live here. I also work for a radio station, we throw a massive Costume party in the lobby … Read more

Coolest Homemade Pet Dog Costumes

Homemade Pet Dog Costumes

The Cat in the Hat is one of the most loved books by children and adults ever written by Dr. Seuss, Thing One and Thing Two are funny characters that create fun for the readers as Thing One and Thing Two run out of the box and want to shake hands and say “How do … Read more

Coolest Homemade Flying Monkey from the Wizard of Oz Dog Costume

Homemade Flying Monkey from the Wizard of Oz Dog Costume

This year for Halloween, we wanted to dress our 2 year old English Bulldog, Goldberg, up as a Flying Monkey from the Wizard of Oz. Unfortunately, we could not find any costumes in stores or on-line, so we decided to make our own Homemade Flying Monkey from the Wizard of Oz Dog Costume. We got … Read more

Coolest Homemade Krusty the Clown Halloween Costume

Homemade Krusty the Clown Halloween Costume

This is a Homemade Krusty the Clown Halloween Costume from The Simpsons. For Krusty, I drew immediate inspiration. The biggest challenge for me was, of course, emulating that zany hair. How I did it(from head down): I cut up a long, wool-like, aqua-green scarf from Walgreens into two pieces. I then filled each end with … Read more

Coolest Ravishing Rick Rude Costume

Homemade Ravishing Rick Rude Costume

We all grew up idolizing the 80’s wrestlers and decided that this was going to be the year, especially since The Rapture took Macho Man. There was a couple more of us including Hot Rod and The Hulkster, but I chose to be Ravishing Rick Rude. Our training regime started 2hrs earlier and involved Coors … Read more

Coolest Homemade Little Mermaid Costume

Homemade Little Mermaid Costume

For Halloween, I decided I wanted to be my favorite all time Disney Princess, Ariel from The Little Mermaid. I didn’t want one of the store-bought, not-as-cool looking costumes, so my mom and I came up with this creation for our Little Mermaid Costume. For the “tail”, we made a skirt using green fish scale … Read more

Bob the Builder Costume

My son Brooks was a Bob the Builder nut. But every time we went shopping for a Bob costume they were plastic and cheap looking. For his birthday, late Sept., his grandma got him a pair of construction overalls. Perfect, I thought. He already had Bob sneakers. So I went to the toy store and … Read more

Coolest Homemade Giraffe Costume

Homemade Giraffe Costume

I had been watching America’s Next Top Model a lot and apparently having a long neck is an asset so I wanted to make a Halloween costume that would allow me to have a very long neck just for the day. My husband helped me create this giraffe costume and I was thrilled with the … Read more

Coolest Homemade Lion Costume

Homemade Lion Costume

I really wanted this adorable lion costume for my sons first Halloween. However there was absolutely no way I was paying $100 for it. I looked at the costume for weeks before I decided to just go for it and make my own homemade lion costume. I bought fleece and fake fur fabrics from the … Read more

Lion Costume #3

I made my son this Lion costume for his first Halloween using a Simplicity pattern #3594. Instead of putting bands on the sleeves I put elastic because that was easier. Also I used the “eyelash” type of yarn for the mane which gave it more of a “fur” look. I was expecting it to be … Read more

Coolest Homemade Lego Pirate Costume

Homemade Lego Pirate Costume

The Homemade Lego Pirate Costume was completely homemade for under $50. It includes the head, chest piece, a hand stitched glove, hook, sword, and leg pieces. In all, took about 2 weeks to make. I based the costume off of the Lego pirate minifigure I had at my house. The head started with insulation foam, … Read more