Coolest Homemade Captain Jack Sparrow Costume

Captain Jack Sparrow Costume

We were headed to Disney in the fall and my son wanted a really great pirate costume. I got the pattern for a captain Jack Sparrow costume from a local fabric store, but had to change a couple of things. All of the fabric that I used was on clearance for $1.00 a yd. at … Read more

Coolest Homemade Dr. Phil and Oprah Costume

Homemade Dr. Phil and Oprah Costume

This Homemade Dr. Phil and Oprah Costume was inspired from an idea when my daughter was 9 years old and was entering a parade that was to feature her Hero’s so I designed a costume for her that was half Princess Diana and half Martin Luther King, so I thought this would make a real … Read more

Coolest Homemade 1980s Prom Costume

Homemade 1980s Prom Costume

I went to an 80s themed fund raiser with my homemade Prom costume. All of the dress was made from fabric remnants, minus the trim which was dirt cheap. I used a simplicity prom dress pattern and got all the fabrictoule, awful cheetah print and trim for under $10 in the alley. The dress literally … Read more

Cool Homemade Garden Fairy Costume

Homemade Garden Fairy Costume

This Homemade Garden Fairy Costume is handmade and has lots and lots of purple and dark purple tulle. There are matching flowers on the bodice, headpiece, and wings.

Coolest iPod Costume

Coolest iPod Costume

In Australia we don’t really celebrate Halloween but that does not mean we don’t enjoy a good occasion to dress up! On our annual family camping holiday we decided to spice things up with a costume party. The only rule was that it has to be made of cardboard (so we could burn it on … Read more

Coolest Candy Girl Costume

Homemade Candy Girl Costume

I made the Homemade Candy Girl Costume by hot-gluing candy Christmas ornaments to a white corset. I included ice cream cones with sprinkles, ribbons, gum drops, a sugar cookie “S” (for my name), suckers, ribbon candy, real pieces of gum, and lifesavers. I had to cut some of the ornaments in half so they could … Read more

Coolest Scarecrow Homemade Halloween Costume

Scarecrow Homemade Halloween Costume

This is our little “Scarecrow Homemade Halloween Costume”, Tyler. His costume is homemade by me, his mommy. I took an old pair of overalls some scrap material and a little creativity. My secret weapon was using an old hula skirt as his straw hair, stuffing, etc. We used an old wagon we had in the … Read more

Cool Homemade Scarecrow Halloween Costume

Homemade Scarecrow Halloween Costume

This year for Halloween our son choose a Wizard of Oz theme. His costume was not purchased it was handmade by his Aunt Megan, who went as Dorothy. Our son could not pronounce scarecrow, although he knew very well what his costume was. He would pronounce himself as a “square crow”. It was so adorable, … Read more

Coolest Homemade Hydrangea Flower Costume

Homemade Hydrangea Flower Costume

This homemade hydrangea flower costume was made for my daughter when she was 3 years old. She absolutely loved the hydrangea flowers that we had growing outside of our house and just HAD to be a hydrangea for Halloween. Where to start… I found a plain green turtleneck and some textured green fabric at the … Read more

Coolest Scarecrow Halloween Costume

Who let the crows out?

Being in our mid forties with the kids grown and out of the house my wife and I find ourselves being more impulsive every day. We’ve begun to live by the adage that you don’t stop playing because you grow older, you grow older because you stop playing. So, quite out of the blue, we … Read more

Coolest Half Man Half Woman Homemade Costume

Homemade Half Man Half Woman Costume

I grew my beard for 4 weeks, and then bought all my supplies at Value village. I sewed the Homemade Half Man Half Woman Costume myself along with glueing the wig to a ball cap to keep it comfortable throughtout the night. Then cut one leg off the jeans so they were still wearable while … Read more