Coolest Homemade Cobra Costume

Coolest Homemade Cobra Costume

I was invited last minute to my best friend’s sister’s Halloween party and needed a quick costume idea that was small and easy to pack in a bag so I could take it on a train. I didn’t have enough money to buy a costume. I searched the house for things I could use and … Read more

Pretty Homemade Zebra Costume

Homemade Zebra Costume

Beautiful flowing zebra tutu dress made out of yards and yards of flowing tulle and zebra stripes galore! Two cute looks with a coordinating zebra mask and a headband mane. This is our Homemade Zebra Costume.

Lion Costume #4

I made the very furry lion costume but decided to make a back up in case it was a bit warmer and the fur one would be too hot. This one was very easy even for a beginner. I bought polar fleece material that was on sale for $4, a pattern that was on sale … Read more

Coolest Giraffe Costume

Coolest Giraffe Costume

This Coolest Giraffe Costume is very easy! Ears and ossicones came on a headband I bought from eBay for about a fiver, just clipped my hair over the band to make it look like they were coming out of my head. Fabric was an effort, couldn’t find any giraffe print so just painted onto gold … Read more

Cool Homemade Zebra Costume

Homemade Zebra Costume

I created this Homemade Zebra Costume. The catsuit parts is Zentai, comes from U.K and the cinch comes from Spirit Halloween, and the boa is 2 boas intertwined for the tail. Sexy ankle boots and gloves for hooves, face painted and hair done by cornrowing and hair coloring. Won best costume prize twice at local … Read more

Lion Costume #5

I came up with the idea for a lion costume after seeing the Tom Arma costumes. After I told my 14 month old son that a lion says “roar!” and he copied I knew that was what his costume would be. I couldn’t believe the prices for the costumes so I decided I could make … Read more