Coolest Homemade Porta Potty Costume

Homemade Porta Potty Costume

To match the potty humor of my son, we decided to create the costume that fits his humor. We created a homemade porta potty costume that came with sound effects. When the door was opened to the outhouse, the loud sound of gas was passed all with a remote push of the button from my … Read more

Coolest Homemade Women’s Restroom Sign Costume Design

Homemade Women's Restroom Sign Costume Design

I decided to be the Women’s Restroom Sign last year. I started with two big white cardboard pieces that I found at Target. They were in the school supplies aisle and were double fold out display boards, like you would use for a presentation. I cut the two triangular front pieces and rectangular pieces for … Read more

Make Your Own Outhouse Costume

Make Your Own Outhouse Costume

Make Your Own Outhouse Costume cheap easy with a large cardboard box, twine brown paint, half roll of toilet paper and a large black marker. I wrote different types a graffiti and toilet humor on the outside. Cut out a moon on the door. I wore scruffy slippers and a big pair of flannel pajama … Read more

Coolest Port-A-Buzz Costume

Homemade Port-A-Buzz Costume

My husband and I decided to make a Homemade Port-A-Buzz Costume because his nickname is Buzz with all the friends we hang out with, and he was the construction guy using it. We like to do couple costumes so I had a shirt made so that I went as the maintenance person and carried a … Read more

Coolest Honey Bucket Port-a-Potty Costume

Coolest Honey Bucket Port-a-Potty Costume 17

This is my Honey Bucket Port-a-Potty Costume for Halloween! It’s made to look like a honey bucket worker carrying a honey bucket w/ a guy using it on the inside. The honey bucket worker is fake w/ my real legs below and my head, upper body and arms are the guy on the inside of … Read more

Coolest Toilet Paper Roll Costume

Homemade Toilet Paper Roll Costume

My 8-eight-year-old’s goal for Halloween this year was to be something “totally random”. What’s more random than a huge roll of toilet paper?!?! The costume really wasn’t that hard to make. It probably took all of 2-3 hours to put together – it will probably take you less time since you won’t have to “noodle … Read more

Coolest Homemade Toilet Costume

Homemade Toilet Costume

My son and I were trying to decide what he should be for Halloween, and the longer we thought about it we came up with the idea for him to be a Toilet Costume. So I (mom) went out and got some cardboard boxes, white duck tape and some white craft paint. And I started … Read more

Coolest Toilet Costume

Coolest Toilet Costume

This year I decided to make my 4 year old son a toilet costume for Halloween! The inspiration came to me when one afternoon, my son was using the potty in our room and I jokingly asked him if he wanted to be a potty for Halloween. After much convincing he finally agreed! So I … Read more

Coolest Porcelain Goddess Costume

Homemade Porcelain Goddess Costume

For this Homemade Porcelain Goddess Costume I made the back wall with a large piece of foam core recovered with checkered yellow and white contact paper. On this back wall I affixed the toilet paper roll off to the side and the porcelain toilet tank that I would wear over my head like a hat … Read more

Cool Toilet Costume

Homemade Toilet Costume

Halloween has always been a huge deal with my family; I have never bought a costume! I have been everything from Cruella De Ville to a dead prom queen. My parents have been everything from Frankenstein and bride of Frankenstein to Dr. Jackal, Mr. Hyde. We absolutely love Halloween at my house, we used to … Read more