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50+ Out of This World DIY Space Costumes for Halloween

Do you dream about going to the moon? Is life on Earth getting too predictable for you? Need a break from your family and friends? Then, make like Buzz Lightyear and go to infinity and beyond with this spectacular collection of space costumes.

Maybe the greatest part of life in outer space, is the potential to encounter all sorts of remarkably eccentric aliens. Their potential is only limited by your imagination! Fulfill your fantasy of becoming a space princess, jump in a flying spaceship or transform into a reptilian alien.

You will also see an alien with a third eye, a silver alien with wings and a green alien with tentacles coming out of his face.

Once you learn how all these creative people have constructed their costumes, the sky is literally the limit for yours!

Whether you want to be an astronaut, a planet or a flying saucer, suspend gravity and common sense and let your creativity over.

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