Original and Fun Jelly Fish Costume

Jellyfish Costume
My daughter wanted to be a Jellyfish for Halloween.
We used an old bike helmet to keep the jellyfish on her head.

My daughter wanted an original and fun Jellyfish costume for Halloween. We used an old bike helmet to keep the jellyfish on her head. The top was a pink plastic snow sled turned upside down. We drilled holes into the top and used zip-ties to connect the helmet to the sled.  We covered the bike … Read more

Coolest Homemade Jelly Fish Costume

I found this idea online, I thought it would be fun to be something homemade and different for Halloween. I took a clear plastic umbrella that I got

I found this homemade Jelly Fish costume idea online. I thought it would be fun to be something homemade and different for Halloween. I took a clear plastic umbrella that I got from the Dollar store, and used streamers, pearls, bubble wrap, ribbon and iridescent garland to embellish the umbrella to look like a Jelly … Read more

Coolest Jelly Fish Costume for Anyone

I wanted a unique and fun costume to impress our friends at our 8th annual Halloween Party, and this amazing jelly fish costume certainly did just th

I wanted a unique and fun costume to impress our friends at our 8th annual Halloween Party, and this amazing jelly fish costume certainly did just that – and it was relatively simple and inexpensive to make. For the main Jelly fish body I started with a clear umbrella (I purchased mine at Target). Because … Read more

Cool DIY Glowing Jellyfish Costume

Homemade Glowing Jellyfish Costume

I created this awesome homemade glowing jellyfish costume after seeing an inspiration on this site last year. Me and my husband had so much fun making this costume that we decided this year we are going to perfect it a little more. First we had to find a “bubble” umbrella, they sell them at golf … Read more

Coolest Homemade Jellyfish Costume

Homemade Jellyfish Costume

MATERIALS NEEDED for this homemade jellyfish costume: * Oversized (golf style) umbrella * Pink iridescent fabric (1.5 yard square) ($3) * White iridescent fabric (1.5 yard square) ($3) * 2 white feather boas ($2 each) * 2 pink feather boas ($2 each) * White string * Pink satin fabric for “dress” ($3) * Pink scarf … Read more

Pretty Homemade Jellyfish Costume

Homemade Jellyfish Costume

My Homemade Jellyfish Costume was made with metallic fabrics, pearls, jewels, and feathers. It also included LED lights that lit up on the inside of the Umbrella. Matched with a silver, sparkly outfit and elaborate, shimmering makeup. This costume has been my best yet!

Coolest Homemade Jellyfish Halloween Costume Idea

Homemade Jellyfish Halloween Costume Idea

This homemade jellyfish Halloween costume idea is my favorite costume that I’ve made. It wasn’t too bad to put together and transporting it was easy. It all started with my sister wanting to be a goldfish for Halloween, I was short on ideas so I bummed off her theme and decided to be a jellyfish. … Read more

Coolest Homemade Jellyfish Halloween Costume

Homemade Jellyfish Halloween Costume

My three-year-old daughter Waverly (Wavy for short) loves the ocean and all its critters. After a visit to the Monterrey Bay Aquarium in California this summer, she decided that she wanted to be a jellyfish for Halloween, in particular, the beautiful orange “chrysaora achlyos,” or black sea nettle jellyfish. This homemade jellyfish Halloween costume was … Read more

Coolest Homemade Jellyfish Costume Design

Homemade Jellyfish Costume Design

I won an award at the Castro Street Halloween festival in San Francisco with this Jellyfish Costume Design! I started with some soft Styrofoam packing pieces, an umbrella and a hula hoop. CONSTRUCTION: I made a shoulder pad/costume stand out of two pieces of Styrofoam packing pieces large enough to put my head through (from … Read more

Original Homemade Jellyfish Halloween Costume

Homemade Jellyfish Halloween Costume

I wanted to be something from the sea, so I looked at many pictures online and landed on some beautiful pix of orange jellyfish. I’m a stickler for detail, so I studied every main part of this creature. To make the top piece of the Homemade Jellyfish Halloween Costume, I bought 1” thick green foam … Read more

Fun Homemade Jellyfish Costume

Homemade Jellyfish Costume

This homemade Jellyfish costume is a hat! Corrugated plastic as the base, cut a hole in the middle for old straw hat, used 6 led AA battery sets, sheer silver and tulle to cover and sheer wired ribbons for tentacles. Black clothing.

Coolest Homemade Jellyfish Unique Halloween Costume Idea

Homemade Jellyfish Unique Halloween Costume Idea

I made this Homemade Jellyfish Unique Halloween Costume Idea out of random pink and white fabric that I found at my local craft store, bubble wrap, and a clear umbrella. I used a hot glue gun and clear tape to attach the fabric onto the inside of umbrella. I then cut pieces of fabric into … Read more