Coolest Homemade Ariel Costume

Coolest Homemade Ariel Costume

I’m a bit of a Disney freak. Anytime there’s an opportunity to craft a costume I usually go for one of the characters. I’ve been everything from a wicked step sister, to Malicifent, to Snow White. I decided to be Ariel from the Little Mermaid. I was determined to win best costume at the event … Read more

Original Homemade Mermaid Costume

All I did was glued big seashells onto an old blue bra then filled the empty spaces with small broken shells. looking back i would've done a nude co

All I did for this homemade Mermaid costume was glued big seashells onto an old blue bra then filled the empty spaces with small broken shells. Looking back I would’ve done a nude colored bra instead. Then sewed a Goodwill-find green sequin tank top to a green stretch skirt I got from Forever 21. I … Read more

Coolest Ursula and Ariel Costumes

Coolest Ursula and Ariel Costumes

I had been wanting for years to dress as Ursula, as I have always loved the character, and the drag queen Divine which she was modeled after. So when my fiance agreed to be Ariel, I finally had the motivation to do all the work and made these Ursula and Ariel costumes. I love the … Read more

Coolest Ariel the Little Mermaid Costume

Homemade Ariel the Little Mermaid Costume

My friend’s five year old daughter wanted an Ariel the Little Mermaid Costume for Halloween, but did not like any of the Ariel costumes on the rack at any of the stores. I told my friend that I would see what I could do about making a costume she might like. I got some green … Read more

Cool Mermaid Costume for a Girl

Blue Rose Mermaid Costume

This is a mermaid costume I made for Halloween this year. At first, my daughter wanted to be The Little Mermaid. Then, she saw this rose fabric I still had and wanted to be a blue mermaid with red hair (so she was still a little like Ariel). As a six-year-old we all know they … Read more

Coolest Catch Of The Day Costume

Catch of the Day Costume

For a friend’s Halloween party my husband and I dressed up as Catch of the day costume. He was the fisherman and I was the mermaid that he caught! To make this (the mermaid)costume I suspended a cardboard box to fit around my waist. I bought some shimmery material from the fabric store and I … Read more

Coolest Mermaids Costumes

Homemade Mermaids Costumes

Wow, how labor intensive were these Mermaids Costumes? At least 100 man hours, but it was sure worth. We (Leigh Anne and Dawn) try to make our own costumes every year. It wasn’t easy to walk/shuffle in the costume, but they were sure a blast to wear. Once we settled on mermaids, we started with … Read more

Coolest Dead Mermaid Costume

Dead Mermaid Costume

I’m not sure how I came up with the idea for this dead mermaid costume, it just sort of happened. The net and the fake grass/seaweed was bought from a craft store. I used fishing line to tie all the junk (chunks of the grass, cans, old bobbers, and seashells that had a hole drilled … Read more

Coolest Mermaid Halloween Costume

Mermaid Halloween Costume

It was a lot of work but it was totally worth it. I had wanted to be a mermaid before but never found a mermaid Halloween costume that was what I had in mind, so with the little money that I had and a lot of trial and error I completed my perfect mermaid look! … Read more

Cool Homemade Mermaid Halloween Costume

Homemade Mermaid Halloween Costume

This Homemade Mermaid Halloween Costume was a blast to make. My daughter decided she wanted to be a mermaid for Halloween. I bought a basic pattern for a mermaid tail from Walmart. We bought some glittery fabric and sewed it up. I bought some iridescent fabric and sewed that on the bottom for the fins. … Read more

Cute Mermaid Wheelchair Costume

Mermaid on Wheels

My daughter uses a wheelchair so a Mermaid costumee was a perfect costume for her. I used real shells on her top by drilling holes in them then sewing them to her top and adding glitter. The bottom is out of sequin fabric with large sequins add to the fin. I made the wig by … Read more