Coolest Our Town Costume

Our Town Costume

What started as a simple idea of a “Our Town” costume for my 2 year old son in 2002 soon became too big to fit on him. I began with collecting business cards from the local merchants and cutting up the phone book and taking out packaging for logos. I drafted the 2 main streets … Read more

Coolest Garbage Truck Costume

My Little Garbage Man

My son loves the garbage man and the garbage trucks. All he wanted for Halloween this year (2008) was a garbage truck costume. First he wanted to be a garbage man. So we had him wear an orange t-shirt with thermal underneath, greenish work pants, brown shoes and an orange cap. Also gloves too. We … Read more

Coolest Homemade Interstate 35 Halloween Costume

Homemade Interstate 35 Halloween Costume

For a costume party this year I decided to go as a Homemade Interstate 35 Halloween Costume. I already had a plain black leotard to use as the base of the costume. I bought some yellow duct tape and cut them into small rectangles for the lines in the road. I painted on the white … Read more

Coolest Homemade Submarine Costume

Homemade Submarine Costume

MATERIALS NEEDED for the homemade submarine costume: * Garden cart * Blue satin material ($2) * Poster board ($2) * Yellow spray paint ($2) * Spotlights (battery operated) * Large silver salad bowl * EMT electrical conduit * Extended grabber pincher ($5) * Boards for seats * Black electrical tape We did an “undersea” theme … Read more

Coolest Wrecking Ball Costume

Homemade Wrecking Ball Costume

My son PJ (Peter) is wearing a Homemade Wrecking Ball Costume. He had asked to be a tractor and with a little tweaking we came up with this instead. It was made using cardboard boxes, hot glue, paint, a Styrofoam ball and printed accents. It was lightweight and easy for him to hold up, especially … Read more

Coolest Homemade Car Wash Costume

Homemade Car Wash Costume

One day me and my wife were pondering what to make our son for Halloween. We were about to go thru the car wash when we decided to ask him what he wanted since we couldn’t think of anything.. and he says CAR WASH!.. me and my wife look at each other and then look … Read more

Hot Air Balloon Costume

Items used: Cardboard box, white paper strips, balloons, embroidery hoops, plastic pipe, pipe insulation, and paper bag. The balloon basket is made from a cardboard box with both end flaps cut off. Then, cut one-inch strips in the box and weave one-inch white strips through the box to create the basket look. Another thing you … Read more

Coolest Damsel In Distress Costume

Damsel In Distress Costume

For this Damsel In Distress Costume I used a large piece of foam core and made an opening just large enough for my head to fit through near the top on one end of it. I painted the foam core to look like rocks/pebbles. Using other cut pieces of foam core painted brown, I made … Read more

Coolest John Deere Tractor Halloween Costume

Homemade John Deere Tractor Halloween Costume

After seeing all of the wonderful costumes on this web site, it inspired my husband to create a homemade tractor. It took my husband about 15 hours to make. The tractor is made out of cardboard box (body), air filter (grill), plastic tube (pipe), Styrofoam (tires), Styrofoam cutter (tires), straps from a bag to hold … Read more

Coolest UPS Delivery Person and Truck Costume

Homemade UPS Delivery Person and Truck Costume

We receive so many UPS parcels!! My daughter really likes our UPS driver and receiving packages are always exciting. When asking her what she would like to be for Halloween, she said a UPS driver so we made this UPS Delivery Person and Truck Costume. Now, that part was easy. Her friend decided to go … Read more

Coolest Homemade Model T Car Halloween Costume

Homemade Model T Car Halloween Costume

Our four year old son Matthew loves old cars. His Papa owns two antique cars, and Matthew loves working on them and riding in them… so for Halloween, there was no talking him out of his idea to go as Papa’s Model T. The homemade Model T Car Halloween costume is made from cardboard boxes, … Read more