Coolest Homemade Monster Truck Costume

Homemade Monster Truck Costume

My 5 year old wanted to be a monster truck for Halloween last year; not wanting to buy something we decided to make are own homemade monster truck costume. I used various sizes of card board boxes; cutting and piecing them until they resembled a truck. He wanted to be a red truck so I … Read more

Coolest Homemade John Deere Costume

Homemade John Deere Costume

my son is two and loves tractors so much I made him a Homemade John Deere Costume for Halloween. I used a medium sized cardboard box and painted it with green paint. I used tap led lights for the head lights so they would really work. I used the side sponge air conditioner insulation for … Read more

Coolest Drag Boat Racing Costume

Coolest Drag Boat Racing Costume

This fall we went to a local drag boat racing competition. My son Brendan, who is 6, loved it. So when Halloween rolled around, he asked if he could be a drag boat for Halloween. Okay. I had some thinking to do. I went to the local hardware store and wandered around to see what … Read more

Truck Creative Costume

Our son wanted to be a garbage truck. He was also dressed as a garbage man so that he could pull the truck behind him on his wagon. The materials we used on this creative costume were: cardboard boxes (sizes depends on the size of your trick-or-treater), duct tape, paint, paper fasteners, glitter, black marker … Read more

Tractor Costume

This unique Halloween costume idea is nothing more than recycled cardboard, spray paint, and a pair of suspenders. The headlights were spray paint tops and low voltage lighting bulbs. You will need lots of cardboard, duck tape, and spray paint. Total Spent: $25

Bob the Builder Costume

My son was a huge Bob the Builder fan but I couldn’t justify paying the $30 – $40 they wanted for those one piece flimsy costumes! So I decided to try and make a Bob the Builder costume by myself! It was so easy and turned out great! I had most of the items already … Read more

Coolest GraveDigger Monster Truck Costume

GraveDigger Monster Truck Costume

In 2007, my nephew wanted to be Gravedigger more than anything for Halloween so I offered to try and make a gravedigger monster truck costume for him. With a toy monster truck in front of me to work off of, I cut-shaped and painted (as best as I could) two black posterboards to look like … Read more

Coolest Homemade U Haul Truck Costume

Homemade U Haul Truck Costume

My stepson came home one day and tells me he wants to be a u-haul truck for Halloween as a joke. I was like, OK! So here it is, our Homemade U Haul Truck Costume, prior to cutting the head and arm holes. Its simple enough made out of a cardboard box, paint, hot glue … Read more

Coolest Homemade Traffic Cone Halloween Costume Idea

Homemade Traffic Cone Halloween Costume Idea

As my kids get older I require that they get more creative with their Halloween costume ideas. My son, Jordan, had the oddball idea of being a traffic cone this year. The only items I had on hand were the hula hoop for the bottom circle, a beach pail for the top, and hard poster … Read more

Coolest Homemade Traffic Light Costume

Homemade Traffic Light Costume

I usually make my son’s costume, but this year he was old enough to participate in the creation. A Traffic Light Costume popped into his head, I thought wow, that’s great and easy. I added my own spin to it by adding the sign. I will be dressing up as a police women so together … Read more

Coolest Homemade Traffic Cone Toddler Halloween Costume

Homemade Traffic Cone Toddler Halloween Costume

My 4.5 year old son had decided to be a backhoe for Halloween, so I had to come up with a “sidekick” costume for my 11 month old. I wanted something relatively easy to make and upon seeing an actual traffic cone in our garage it dawned on me that here was my answer to … Read more

Truck Creative Costume

The inspiration for this costume came from my son. His grandfather, father and I all work for BFI. He decided that he wanted to be a garbage truck for Halloween. I started with a cardboard box. I cut a hole in the top and bottom that my son would fit in to hold up the … Read more