A Traffic Cone Playing a Sousaphone

A Traffic Cone Playing a Sousaphone

My son runs for the school’s high school cross country team. He has a habit of dressing in bright colors, particularly bright orange. The other members of his team had taken to calling him a traffic cone during practices. His costume was to wear his orange running clothes and he ended up adding an orange … Read more

Working Traffic Light and Pylon Couple Costume

Working Traffic Light and Pylon Couple Costume

Stop! In the name of love! The traffic light costume was made by getting three battery-powered tap-on lights, painting them red, yellow and green, and ductaping them to an all black outfit. The pylon costume consisted of a bright orange shirt, ductape stripes, and a mini pylon with a battery-powered light inside of it, secured … Read more

Coolest Homemade Traffic Cone Child Halloween Costume

Homemade Traffic Cone Child Halloween Costume

For this homemade traffic cone child Halloween costume I placed an empty water bottle on my daughter’s head. When she leaned over I put her hair around it and secured it with a pony tail holder. When she stood back up her hair was straight up with the water bottle under it. Then I hair-sprayed … Read more

Coolest Traffic Cone Halloween Costume

Homemade Traffic Cone Halloween Costume

Every year the University of Hawaii Parking office purchases over 100 traffic cones, of that approximately 50 cones go missing every year. In memory of those lost cones this costume was a tribute to them.

Coolest Homemade Mr. Safety Traffic Cone Costume

Homemade Mr. Safety Traffic Cone Costume

My Homemade Mr. Safety Traffic Cone Costume was created using ordinary traffic cones. The concept was three-fold, started out a few years ago thinking about the movie “Space Truckers”, there were these robots in it with funny heads I liked. I only saw the movie once though and remembered them as being traffic cone like. … Read more

Coolest Homemade Traffic Cone Halloween Costume Idea

Homemade Traffic Cone Halloween Costume Idea

As my kids get older I require that they get more creative with their Halloween costume ideas. My son, Jordan, had the oddball idea of being a traffic cone this year. The only items I had on hand were the hula hoop for the bottom circle, a beach pail for the top, and hard poster … Read more

Coolest Homemade Traffic Cone Costume

Homemade Traffic Cone Costume

We wanted to make a cool costume for our 6 year old so we decided on a Traffic Cone Costume. My husband welded a light weight wire frame for the lower half of the cone. We covered it with batting . Then I purchased 2 yards of bright orange fabric and reflective fabric for the … Read more

Coolest Homemade Traffic Cone Toddler Halloween Costume

Homemade Traffic Cone Toddler Halloween Costume

My 4.5 year old son had decided to be a backhoe for Halloween, so I had to come up with a “sidekick” costume for my 11 month old. I wanted something relatively easy to make and upon seeing an actual traffic cone in our garage it dawned on me that here was my answer to … Read more