Cool Homemade Zoltar Halloween Costume

Homemade Zoltar Halloween Costume

We made this Zoltar Halloween costume using a box from a microwave. We painted it to roughly match the colors of the Zoltar video game machine from pictures we found online. I’m not sure if this game even exists anymore, but everyone recognized it immediately. I used a box cutter to cut out the window … Read more

Coolest Zoltar Speaks and Gypsy Halloween Costume Ideas

Zoltar Speaks and Gypsy Halloween Costume Ideas

Zoltar Speaks and Gypsy Halloween Costume Ideas: ZOLTAR COSTUME- BOX: Using duck tape, I taped together 3 boxes that I got from a clothing store at the mall (I just asked the manager and he was happy to give them to me). I spray painted the box with gold spray paint, taped a red piece … Read more

Coolest Homemade Zoltar Costume

Homemade Zoltar Costume

This Homemade Zoltar Costume was inspired from the movie “Big” and the popular amusement park fortune teller attraction. The costume was entirely handmade by my brother, my husband, and I. The frame was made with wood. Each piece was measured and cut, nailed together, then stained. The sides were then made by cutting pieces of … Read more

Cool Homemade Zoltar Halloween Costume Idea

Homemade Zoltar Halloween Costume Idea

I have a huge Halloween party that I go to every year and each year I try to come up with something better than the last… This year I was the star from the movie “Big”…Zoltar! I came up with the homemade Zoltar Halloween costume idea over the summer but with the help of my … Read more

Coolest Homemade Zoltar Halloween Costume Idea

Homemade Zoltar Halloween Costume Idea

The idea behind this year’s costume actually started before last Halloween was even finished. My son Ian has always had a love for the Halloween season. My wife and I, actually think he loves Halloween more that Christmas. With that said, we have had to come up with some different ideas that only a child’s … Read more

Coolest Homemade Fortune Teller Halloween Costume

Homemade Fortune Teller Halloween Costume

You will need: 1 large box 2 smaller for coin and fortune Ball Battery operated lights Clothes jewelry boots and scraf 4 wooded sticks for legs Drape for bottom Rope for handles Plexi glass Glitter glue Hot glue gun Box cutter Black paint Tarot cards This Homemade Fortune Teller Halloween Costume wasn’t easy, Morgan wants … Read more

Coolest Homemade Zoltar Halloween Costume

Homemade Zoltar Halloween Costume

Over the summer I had some time on my hands and started thinking about my favorite holiday, Halloween! Just like many of the themes and ideas on Family Guy, I wanted to do something that really reminded people of the 80’s! Just then one of my favorite movies popped into my head “BIG”! I would … Read more

Coolest Homemade Fortune Teller Halloween Costume Idea

Homemade Fortune Teller Halloween Costume Idea

This year my daughter Margaret age 10 came up with a homemade Fortune Teller Halloween costume idea like the machines in arcades. Each year she has an idea for a homemade costume and we work together to figure out how to do it. For this homemade Fortune Teller Halloween costume idea we started with 4 … Read more

Coolest Homemade Mechanical Genie Halloween Costume

Homemade Mechanical Genie Halloween Costume

This year’s costume started with a request from our 9 year old to help build a “Homemade Mechanical Genie Halloween Costume” from a popular children’s cartoon program. My wife and I, products of the 80’s immediately thought of the mechanical genie from the movie “Big” and started planning. The costume is simply a cardboard box, … Read more

Coolest Fortune Teller Halloween Costume

Homemade Fortune Teller Halloween Costume

Looking in my crystal ball, I can see your future. Using some tyvek boards my husband had in the garage, I found some wallpaper that looked like wood to cover it with. It was easy to cut and then I just duct taped and used plastic ties to hold it together. I bought some plastic … Read more

Coolest Hand-Crafted Zoltar Costume

Homemade Zoltar Costume

I made this Homemade Zoltar Costume from Big back in high school the night before Halloween. Basically took a big box and spraypainted it and rubbed coal from the woodstove on it to make it look a little bit less like a cardboard box and cut it to size. I’m pretty sure I was wearing … Read more