Coolest Homemade Indian Costume

Homemade Indian Girl Costume

I had tons of fun making this Indian costume. I started with some fake suede from the fabric store. I used a shirt as the template for the top. It fitted like a vest and was all one piece. I didn’t want to have any stitching so it would be more authentic. I cut long … Read more

Coolest Little Chief Homemade Halloween Costume

Little Chief Homemade Halloween Costume

Our grandson Dallas is wearing an Indian Chief that was made from many of his grandfather’s hunting trophies. We always begin early Oct so we can enjoy the entire month with the kids. Dallas head dress is made from the feathers of 3 wild turkeys. The feathers were glued to a leather strap then rabbit … Read more

Coolest Homemade Infant Indian Costume

Homemade Infant Indian Costume

For my 5 month old’s first Halloween I thought a little homemade infant Indian costume would be great. I started with dyeing a long sleeved one-z, cotton pants, hat and socks a tan color. I purchased faux suede, fringe and a southwest patterned ribbon. I sewed a bib adding fringe and trim to the edges. … Read more

Coolest Homemade Native American Girl Costume

Coolest Homemade Native American Girl Costume

The Homemade Native American Girl Costume is a simple pillow case dress with fringe glued all the way around. She’s wearing a wig with fabric trim fitted as a headband with feather embellishments. It was SO easy! We glued some of that fringe to her flip flops to,o instead of buying or making moccassins. Excellent.

Coolest Indian Couple Costume

Homemade  Indian Couple Costume

This Indian costume was put together literally hours before my boyfriend and I were about to go out for a Halloween party at his fraternity. College costumes for girls to purchase are so expensive! This was all made from brown fabric that we cut and and just started to tie around ourselves. We snipped and … Read more

Coolest Female Indian Costume

Homemade Female Indian Costume

This is the coolest Homemade Female Indian Costume ever. I made EVERTHING from including my headdress. I love to make my costume and costumes for my friends and this one came out perfect. So perfect I wore it to two different parties and everyone was amazed. I have never seen a costume like this and … Read more

Coolest Homemade Tiger Lily Indian Princess Costume

Homemade Tiger Lily Indian Princess Costume

My Homemade Tiger Lily Indian Princess Costume is made entirely out of brown paper bags. They were cut into strips and sown together with hemp to make the skirt. The vest was made by turning a bag upside down and cutting arm holes and then trimming it down to size. The front of the vest … Read more

Coolest Homemade Tiger Lily Costume

Homemade Tiger Lily Costume

For the dress of this Tiger Lily Costume I got brown fabric. You might have to search around the fabric store for a bit to get that perfect brown fabric. You need to just know how to do VERY basic sewing. I went with a side strap but I’m sure going with strapless or two … Read more