Sexy Mailman and Mail Order Bride Couple Costume

Sexy Mailman and Mail Order Bride Couple Costume

For the mailman costume we bought a blue shirt and pants at Goodwill, just used a plain black bag. All the stickers we used we got from a local post office! The Mail order bride costume was a simple white tutu, white garter, white stockings, a veil, and then printed out the mail logo on … Read more

DIY Mail Order Bride Halloween Costume

DIY Mail Order Bride Halloween Costume

I wanted to make my own costume because I think it is more unique and way cheaper to do it that way since costumes are very expensive now. I am also not for the revealing costumes and I wanted mine to be funny and like nothing I had seen before. I browsed the internet probably … Read more

Coolest Mail-Order Bride and Mailman Couple Costume

So the previous year, I was a zom-bee (bee costume with zombie makeup) and I had to 1UP myself without the Mario, Luigi and Princess.My fianc&eacut

So the previous year, I was a zom-bee (bee costume with zombie makeup) and I had to 1UP myself without the Mario, Luigi and Princess. My fiance and I had just started dating at the time and it was the first time I really had a significant other that wanted to do a couple costume! … Read more

Cool Mail Order Bride Costume

Mail Order Bride

My name is Stacey and I dress up every Halloween and I am like a kid. I have to have something new or different each year. I have been like that since I could walk. I kept trying to come up with something this year that I hadn’t used in the past 30 years and … Read more

Coolest Homemade Mail Order Bride Costume Idea

Homemade Mail Order Bride Costume Idea

I am a fan of really original and fun Halloween costumes. This year I had a pretty strict budget and I really had to get the creative juices flowing. I came up with the homemade Mail Order Bride costume idea from a political cartoon I saw of a bride jumping out of a mailbox. I … Read more

Coolest Homemade Mail Order Bride Costume

Homemade Mail Order Bride Costume

I went as a mail order bride last Halloween, my costume only cost like $35. I borrowed the dress from my boyfriend’s parents who have a huge collection of Halloween costumes, I got the box, the stickers and the bubble-wrap from the FedEx store. I got the fake cheesy flowers from AC Moore. My veil … Read more

Coolest Mail Order Bride Costume

Mail Order Bride Costume

I needed something quick and easy, and something that I could still do my job at work in. I started looking around the house for things I could make a costume with when I spied the tape that I use to send packages with. I then came up with this mail order bride costume idea … Read more