Bob the Builder Costume

My son Brooks was a Bob the Builder nut. But every time we went shopping for a Bob costume they were plastic and cheap looking. For his birthday, late Sept., his grandma got him a pair of construction overalls. Perfect, I thought. He already had Bob sneakers. So I went to the toy store and … Read more

Coolest Homemade US Mailman Costume

Homemade US Mailman Costume

My son wanted to be a mailman this year. However, not a simple mailman but one who was being bitten in the behind by a dog! This was the homemade US Mailman costume. It was a very easy costume to make. He looked really great and his costume drew a great response. An additional accessory … Read more

Coolest Pageant Contestant Costumes

Homemade Pageant Contestant Costumes

I have been making my own costumes for a few years now and my motto is…”The bigger the headpiece, the better”. Every year I try to come up with some kind of elaborate headpiece that no one else would think of. One year, I came up with pageant costumes. Not your normal everyday pageant but … Read more

Corrections Officer Costume

Our son has Cerebral Palsy and he uses a wheelchair to get around. Every year we come up with easy to make Halloween costumes that incorporate his chair as part of his costume but this can work for strollers as well. What you will need is black duct tape, blue duct tape, aluminum foil, wooden … Read more