Coolest Last Minute Couple Costume: Tree and Lumberjack

My friend and I had no idea what to wear to an halloween party but I saw his plaid shirt in his closet and realized that we already had everything we

My friend and I had no idea what to wear to a Halloween party but I saw his plaid shirt in his closet and realized that we already had everything we needed to be a tree and lumberjack! I grabbed some eye make-up and some leaves from the yard and made myelf into a “tree”. … Read more

Coolest Homemade US Mailman Costume

Homemade US Mailman Costume

My son wanted to be a mailman this year. However, not a simple mailman but one who was being bitten in the behind by a dog! This was the homemade US Mailman costume. It was a very easy costume to make. He looked really great and his costume drew a great response. An additional accessory … Read more

Coolest Pageant Contestant Costumes

Homemade Pageant Contestant Costumes

I have been making my own costumes for a few years now and my motto is…”The bigger the headpiece, the better”. Every year I try to come up with some kind of elaborate headpiece that no one else would think of. One year, I came up with pageant costumes. Not your normal everyday pageant but … Read more

Corrections Officer Costume

Our son has Cerebral Palsy and he uses a wheelchair to get around. Every year we come up with easy to make Halloween costumes that incorporate his chair as part of his costume but this can work for strollers as well. What you will need is black duct tape, blue duct tape, aluminum foil, wooden … Read more

Coolest Battling Beauty Queens

Homemade Battling Beauty Queens

My sister came up with the idea of the Battling Beauty Queens and we all loved it. First we went to thrift stores and found gowns that we would not mind ripping or cutting up. I found temporary tattoos of scrapes and cuts at the costume shop and we used plenty of those and makeup … Read more

Coolest FBI Agent Costume

Homemade FBI Agent Costume

Here’s an FBI Agent costume, a great last minute idea for a child’s costume. I used a long sleeve black shirt, black pants, black sun glasses, black baseball hat and black jacket, lanyard and photo ID using Printmaster etc, for FBI BADGE. I used white tape to add FBI to front of shirt back of … Read more

Corrections Officer Costume

I had to come up with a Corrections officer costume because my 6 year old loves his Daddy and wants to be just like him. These are one of those easy to make Halloween costumes. I purchased a pattern for a boy’s shirt and pants. While making the pants I had to add the black … Read more

Coolest Homemade Bob the Builder Costume

Homemade Bob the Builder Costume 5

As most boys his age, my son loved Bob the Builder. I was pleased he chose this costume as I love doing homemade costumes and prefer them over store bought anyday, and most store bought unless very pricey are not very good quality. This choice was a bonus since I knew this one would be … Read more

Coolest Homemade Royal English Guard Costume

Homemade Royal English Guard Costume

We made my three year old son a Homemade Royal English Guard Costume for Halloween. I used red material and sewed it into a long, fitted jacket. We trimmed it out with white piping for trim, lots of gold buttons down the front and on the cuffs/collar, and used black and white felt to make … Read more

Coolest Homemade Mountie Costume

Coolest Homemade Mountie Costume

I wanted to be cute and original so this is how I came up with my homemade Mountie costume. I live in the Cayman Islands and Halloween is huge! There are also a TON of Canadians that live here. I also work for a radio station, we throw a massive Costume party in the lobby … Read more

Hot Dog Vendor Homemade Halloween Costume

This was a real homemade Halloween costume. You will need: one box, depending on the size of subject, red material, white spray paint, ketchup and mustard bottles, hotdogs and buns (two each), hot glue, newspaper and black markers, coffee filters (2) and duck tape string. I started off with a box and enclosed it completely … Read more

Coolest Bob the Builder and Friends Costumes

Coolest Bob the Builder and Friends Costumes 6

So, as most kids, my 1 1/2 year old son wouldn’t wear his costume. So instead of making a fuss, my husband and I decided to do most of the dressing up. My son loves Bob the Builder (and I have to agree, it is pretty entertaining) and after he found a hardhat at a … Read more