Home » Spooky, Gory, Dark & Scary Costumes » Corpse in Body Bag Costumes » Creepy Corpse in a Body Bag and Coroner Couple Costume

Creepy Corpse in a Body Bag and Coroner Couple Costume

If you want to get your boyfriend to dress up with you in a Couple’s Costume for Halloween, sometimes you have to be a little dark and creepy about it. Like, for example, being a corpse while he is the coroner that will carry you around in a body bag!

The idea came about because my boyfriend’s dad used to work for the city morgue and was going to throw out his old body suit that he wore as a uniform. It was perfect with CORONER on the back and the name still embroidered on it! (Very official!) To add to the look, he wore a tyvex body suit underneath, rubber gloves, safety glasses, and mask.

Being a corpse, took more effort. I didn’t just want to be a corpse; I wanted to go all out- body bag and all. So, with a little bit of creativity we made our own “body bag” by buying a black plastic table cloth from the dollar store and cutting it to the shape of a body bag. We reinforced the edges with electrical tape, keeping the bottom of the “bag” open in order to walk around. Inside the table cloth body bag we attached a black hoodie so that I could easily “wear” my bag and take the hood on or off at my leisure.

Then we took on the task of making me look dead. Starting with putting conditioner in my hair (and not rinsing it out) to leave a greasy wilted look. By mixing a combination of grey, white, and blue body paint with a foundation make-up and applying it on all of my skin, shadowing my eye sockets and cheeks with black eye shadow powder, and even tinting my lips and fingers blue, we achieved the cold dead body look we were going for. The finishing touch was adding a fake autopsy scar down my chest (complete with stitches holding the gap closed). The scar was bought from a Halloween costume store; we just modified it to fit the need of the costume.

Then the act complimented the costume. We would enter rooms by having the “Coroner” carrying the “Corpse” over his shoulder. When just standing around I would just lean, stiff as a corpse, against him. A corpse staring out from a body bag especially freaked people out. But the best compliment we received was winning the “Scariest Costume Contest” at our local Halloween bar!

Creepy Corpse in a Body Bag and Coroner Couple Costume

Creepy Corpse in a Body Bag and Coroner Couple Costume

Creepy Corpse in a Body Bag and Coroner Couple Costume

Creepy Corpse in a Body Bag and Coroner Couple Costume

Creepy Corpse in a Body Bag and Coroner Couple Costume

Creepy Corpse in a Body Bag and Coroner Couple Costume

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