Quick and Easy Voodoo Doll Costume

I couldn’t decide what to be one year and wanted to do something easy. I pulled this together the week of a party and it freaked a lot of peopl

I couldn’t decide what to be one year and wanted to do something easy. I pulled this quick and easy Voodoo Doll costume together the week of a party and it freaked a lot of people out. I think not being able to see your face makes for a creepier costume. All you need is … Read more

Cool Voodoo Doll Costume

Homemade Voodoo Doll Costume

The Homemade Voodoo Doll Costume: This year we stumbled on the idea of turning our entry way into a voodoo lair. It came about naturally as we started to decorate for the coming trick or treaters. My husband wanted to be the voodoo priest and my daughter decided to be a voodoo doll. Preparation: We … Read more

Coolest Homemade Voodoo Doll Halloween Costume Idea

Homemade Voodoo Doll Halloween Costume Idea

I had so much fun making my own costume and dressing scary last year when I went as a zombie prom queen so I knew I wanted to do something similar this Halloween. I wanted a costume that would be different and fun to make. I searched for homemade costumes and after much decision making, … Read more

Cool Homemade Voodoo Doll Costume

Homemade Voodoo Doll Costume

This homemade Voodoo Doll costume is one of my Halloween costumes for last year. I found this great material on sale at Wal-mart that looks like burlap and red felt for the heart. It’s all one piece except for the mittens, shoe coverings, and the mask. I’ve oversized the mask and tucked it into the … Read more

Awesome Homemade Voodoo Doll Costume

Homemade Voodoo Doll Costume

My daughter had been winning her contests at school and wanted to again for the third year in a row. So I knew I had to come up with something good, and for some reason a Voodoo doll costume came to mind. So I researched it online to see what they really looked like. Found … Read more

Coolest Homemade Voodoo Doll Halloween Costume

Homemade Voodoo Doll Halloween Costume

My daughter decided this year she wanted to do something different and be scary. We couldn’t find anything that hadn’t been done before, so we decided on making a Voodoo Doll costume. I took a bed sheet and made a loose outline of her face. I then cut two pieces and hand sewed them along … Read more

Coolest Voodoo Doll Costume

Homemade Voodoo Doll Costume

I love fancy dress and use any opportunity possible to dress up and get create. I never buy my costumes, I like to be original and make my own creations; whether its re-using old clothes or things found in charity shops, or creating them from scratch and buying in all the raw materials. For Halloween … Read more

Coolest Voodoo Witch Doctor Costume

Coolest Voodoo Witch Doctor Costume 7

Materials used for this Voodoo Witch Doctor Costume: * 2 Hula skirts * Pirate wig * Cave man necklaces and bracelets * Character teeth * White contacts * Beads * Hemp string * Skull * Bag of feathers * Hot glue gun and glue sticks * Skull necklaces * Make-up * Small elastic * Skull … Read more