Original Wordplay Costume Idea: Devil in a Blue Dress

I put my three favorite things together horror, humor and music.
   I put my three favorite things together horror, humor, and music. Afte

I put my three favorite things together horror, humor, and music. After going to a few thrift stores I found a blue dress to fit me. All the sexy blues dresses I tried on would not fit. I needed a bra large enough to fit two computer amplified computer speakers under the dress which I … Read more

Coolest Batman and Robin Optical Illusion Costumes

optical illusion Batman and Robin costumes

The birth of this idea of these Batman and Robin Optical Illusion costumes came after hearing my 7 yr old twins arguing for two days about whether or not they were going to dress as heroes or villains. One wanted to go as Batman and Robin. The other Penguin and Cat woman. Picking one hero and … Read more

A Working Slot Machine Costume

A Working Slot Machine Costume

I liked the idea of being a slot machine but I wanted something that would actually work.  I made the box out of insulation board which I then covered in aluminum shelving paper from Lowes.  I ordered actual slot machine reel pictures from eBay which I put on plastic cylinders I found.  The wheels spun … Read more

Cool Scorpion From Mortal Kombat Costume

This is my version of the scorpion character from mortal kombat!link for video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eLHp1jGZezo&feature=plcpthe mat

This is my version of the Scorpion From Mortal Kombat Costume. The materials I used are as follows: -rice bag -card board -yellow and black duct tape -a yellow rope -a skull from dollar store -a t-shirt (black) -black pants -Velcro and with a little imagination I managed to complete it! Here’s a video: http://youtu.be/bLeqwF5D-nE

Coolest Thomas the Tank Engine Costume

This is the Thomas the Tank Engine costume I made for my son this past Halloween. The chassis is a Little Tykes wagon, with the pull handle at the ba

This is the Thomas the Tank Engine costume I made for my son this past Halloween. The chassis is a Little Tykes wagon, with the pull handle at the back. The body is entirely cardboard, affixed with hot glue. I coated the whole thing in Plasti-Dip (hoping to ruggedize it somewhat), then spray painted it … Read more

Coolest PAC-MAN Costume

After visiting a pop culture convention where some people dressed up as their favourite character, I decided to make a PAC man costume for the follow

After visiting a pop culture convention where some people dressed up as their favourite character, I decided to make a PAC man costume for the following year. I made him out of foam (the same material pilates/yoga mats use), paint and cable ties to attach the foam parts together (I only had black at the … Read more

Coolest Jurassic Park III Velociraptor Costume

Last year I decided to build a velociraptor from Jurassic Park. I wanted it to be life-sized (in the movie it\'s 12 and a half feet long); it would

Last year I decided to build a velociraptor from Jurassic Park. I wanted it to be life-sized (in the movie it’s 12 and a half feet long); it would be my most ambitiously difficult Halloween costume yet. Shortly after the last Halloween, I settled on the male raptor design from Jurassic Park 3 (it would … Read more

Original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Costumes

Coolest Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Costumes

Coolest Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Costumes : Michelangelo TMNT, Foot Soldier, and April O’Neil All three costumes were custom made by my brother, my wife, and me. The key medium that “tied” everything together was colored duct-tape. Just no time to write a full ste-by-step. Pic 1: We now battle for the damsel in distress … Read more

Coolest No-Sew Wonder Woman Costume

Coolest No-Sew Wonder Woman Costume

Here is my head-to-toe rundown of how I made my *NO SEW Wonder Woman costume.  (*no machine sewing, but some hand stitching. The hand stitching could easily be replaced by using Liquid Stitch.) The Hair: I hummed and  hawed about buying the wig, but it definitely adds to the look of the costume, especially since … Read more

Coolest Beetlejuice DIY Costume for an Adult

This Beetlejuice Costume was made with all Goodwill purchased clothes, a black blazer with 6 hrs of painting. A Shock Treatment Wig from Party City, spray painted with Ochre and Lime Green spray paint. Had to use masking tape to make the stripes, then go back and hand paint the boo boos. The white stripes … Read more

Coolest Monster Exterminator Costume

Coolest Monster Exterminator Costume

There are psychics & ghost-busting teams who drive unwanted spirits from haunted houses, & then there are regular exterminators who eliminate common household pests. But what happens if your home has been invaded by MONSTERS? If what’s lurking in your house is definitely badder than a rat, but nowhere near as incorporeal as a ghost, … Read more