Coolest iPhone 4 Facetime Costume

Homemade iPhone 4 Facetime Costume

This is what you need to make a Homemade iPhone 4 Facetime Costume: 5 Large Flat Pieces of Cardboard Plenty of Elmer’s Glue A lot of Masking Tape (about 3 rolls) 12 feet of Quarter-Round Moulding (for framing) Small Screws and Washers 2-3 Cans of Glossy Black Spray Paint 1 Can of Metallic Silver Spray … Read more

Coolest Toy Store Costume

Homemade Toy Store Costume

My Homemade Toy Store Costume design is for a human toy store. That’s right, not a knock-off of Toy Story the movie, but rather an actual toy store on wheels…er…feet. Take a look. I hope you like my entry! While I have uploaded some photos, I am most proud of the home video I made … Read more

Coolest Homemade MVPuppets Couple Costume

Kobe and LeBron Rolling Through the Streets of L.A.

As huge NBA fans, my buddy and I decided to create puppets modeled after the famous NIKE commercials. Since there were two of us, it was the perfect fit! We gathered some pictures up on the internet and threw a few grids on them to get the proper proportions. Then the fun began!!! … along … Read more

Coolest Illuminated Costume

Homemade Illuminated Costume

My Homemade Illuminated Costume is inspired on the 2011 finalists in America’s Got Talent- Team Illuminate. Their use of electroluminescent wire looked like a fun idea and up my alley, so I ran with it for a Halloween costume. I read for a few hours online on how the wires are cut and soldered and … Read more

Homemade Treehouse Costume

  “What do you want to be for Halloween?” I asked my barely 4 year old. I’m imagining something that’s not too hard to make, like last year’s Astronaut or the “Boy Fairy” from the year before. He thought about it for a little while and told me “I want to be a tree house.” … Read more

Cool Transforming Optimus Prime Costume

Coolest Transforming Optimus Prime Costume 33

There are a few transforming costume designs out there, but it seems like they usually just settle for the idea that any arrangement of pieces that looks like a car or truck when it is on the ground is good enough. My goal was to build a costume accurate to the design of Optimus Prime … Read more

Coolest SunDrop Costume

Coolest SunDrop Costume

The first time I saw the Sun Drop commercial I was laughing so hard! Since all my friends were telling me that I look like the girl from the commercial because of my red hair, I decided that the SunDrop girl was going to be my Halloween costume this year. It was an exclusive costume … Read more

Coolest Christmas Tree DIY Costume

Coolest Christmas Tree Costume

I took the idea from Katy Perry’s Christmas Tree costume. I wanted to make it like a dress, and it had to be awesome (I won the costume contest *-*). I drew the costume, but I’m not a good designer, so I’ll not show the drawing. I used satin and buckram to do it look … Read more

Coolest Homemade Transformer Tank Halloween Costume Idea

Homemade Transformer Tank Halloween Costume Idea

This Homemade Transformer Tank Halloween Costume Idea took nearly twenty hours of work to make. It was inspired by viewing many attempts of Transformer costumes online. I decided I wanted to be able to keep it simple and functional at the same time and still look as real as possible. This costume was built twice. … Read more

Coolest Black Swan Costume

Homemade Black Swan Costume

How to create theHomemade Black Swan Costume: It all started with a black corset, and then I got the black tulle (about 2 meters), black feathers and some decoration for the front upper part of the costume (black, white and silver sequins). A friend of mine helped me sew the tulle to the corset, and … Read more

Coolest Homemade Scarecrow Stalker Optical Illusion Costume

Homemade Scarecrow Stalker Optical Illusion Costume

This Homemade Scarecrow Stalker Optical Illusion Costume was the brainchild of my husband, and myself. We were not really sure with our current budget how we could purchase our children Halloween costumes this year. So we decided to make them. I had the thought earlier in the month, however, we did not start attempting to … Read more