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40+ Cool Homemade Internet and Computer Halloween Costumes

Having trouble putting away your phone? You’re not alone. Statistics are pretty high that you’re reading this from your handheld device right now! Get inspired to make your Halloween costume based on your favorite app or meme. Take a look at this collection of internet and computer Halloween costumes for some hilarious and clever DIY costume ideas.

Find yourself procrastinating homemade costume making by sneaking glances at Facebook? Use it as costume research! You will see many awesome Facebook costumes below. From constructing a DIY costume profile page, to literally putting your face into a book, the homemade costume possibilities here are endless.

In addition, check out how hilarious memes come to life in the coolest homemade costumes. Even if you’re not a cat lover, there are still DIY costumes for you to choose from.

So whether you dress in a Twitter bird costume or as your favorite Emoji costume, discover the greatest computers and internet costumes tutorials here!

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Pretty DIY Pinterest Princess Costume

Pretty DIY Pinterest Princess Costume

This Halloween, I basically forgot the holiday existed until about a week before. I’m not sure why, since I spent hours on Pinterest pinning cute costumes and crafts, but I realized I had no costume – severely disappointing. While I didn’t “need” a costume for any one event, I really wanted one. With that in mind, along with my Pinterest obsession, I decided to go creative- a Pinterest Princess. Read more »

Easy, Quick Emoji Costume for All Ages

Easy, Quick Emoji Costume for All Ages

My friend and I decided to make matching costumes this year, and after much thought, we came up with the idea for an Emoji costume. We figured most people would recognize it and hopefully get a kick out of it, and boy did they ever! The only materials you need are… Read more »