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Cool Cracker Jack Costume

Overall, this Cracker Jack costume was pretty easy to make. I had the logo printed from the computer based on the cardboard box size. I used spray adhesive to attach the image, then covered the whole works with clear shipping tape (for reinforcement and a little protection from the rain).

The popcorn kernels were made from a can of “Great Stuff’ spray insulation foam. To make the shape, I made 3 or 4 little balls with the foam and a big ball on top and let them dry for a couple hours. This stuff really expands, so don’t use too much. It dries hard and really does not smell, which was a concern for me.

The caramel glaze was made with some brown paint mixed with paint glaze to lighten it up and painted on, topped with some clear spray glaze. I hot glued those to the box. The candy bag was a prize image I had blown up at a local store and spray glued on with felt. Lastly, I used hot glue to affix some kernels to the sailor hat.


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