My inspiration for the dress came to me when I was watching the cheesy 80’s movie Clash of the Titans. I had bought the dress from a yard sale earlier this summer. The dress is actually an old wedding dress I found in a yard sale for $8.00, I then used eight cans of cheap green spray paint I bought at wal-mart, to paint the entire dress. I hand painted the front of the dress and added plastic snakes by gluing them onto the breast and then I sewed the snakes to safely secure them. I then took black upholstery trim to outline the body shape to create the look of the belly of the snake. This will give yout the illusion that u are a lot more “shapely” and can deceive the eye and create a slimming look. My chest piece are latex glow in the dark worms that I picked up at a Halloween store. I painted my entire face and chest with a mixture of bright green and dark green body paint. I use the cheap stuff you can pick up at a drug store In tubes. I like it because it’s cheap and if you use good powders to seal the cheap face/body then it won’t crack or clump up. I then created the scales effects on my face with highlights of green gold and black powder using fishnets. There are some great videos on YouTube that can show you some easy scale tricks.My head piece is made from a hulk wig with a forehead, rubber snakes, fake hair and LED lights – the dress also has LED lights w/ battery packs. I just recently won first place at Wizard World Cosplay Costume contest in Louisville for best villain and I placed in 2nd place in two other Halloween Costume contest.
Cool DIY Medusa Costume

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