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Cool Homemade Sonic the Hedgehogn Costume

After completing my granddaughter’s Elsa costume her brother asked me if I could make him a costume too. I could not disappoint my grandson and the wonderful feeling I got from hearing how much Hallie loved hers, I jumped at the chance. Unlike his sister Josh didn’t know what he wanted to be. I would make a suggestion and he would say “nah”. Then he would ask me to sew him something made out of metal. I told him my Machine wont sew metal and then I had to explain why. I told him I could get material that looked like metal and his reply “nah”.

After several phone calls he said “Grandma how about Sonic the Hedgehog” I told him I thought I could make that. It was agreed I would make him a Sonic the Hedgehog costume. Now that I knew what I was making I had to figure out what a Sonic the Hedgehog looked like. Thank goodness for the internet. I looked up Sonic and saw that this shouldn’t be too difficult. So began the hunt for a pattern. Guess what, they don’t make patterns for a Sonic Costume. What can I do, I promised Josh I would make him this costume. I dug out and old lion costume pattern I had packed away and began changing things to match the pictures I had seen. All the pictures were the front and side views. I called my oldest grandson and asked pf he knew who Sonic was. He said he has a Sonic action figure. He offered to send me pictures of all sides.

The next few nights I went to sleep thinking about how I would make the head for this costume. Sonic has 5 points on his head and I wasn’t sure how I could do this. I looked up ideas on how others had made it but they were only profile heads (meaning that they only had three points in a row to look like the side view). Now that I knew there were five points I had to make it that was. It drove me crazy for about a week, then one night I woke up from a sound sleep and yelled I got it. My husband jumped up out of bed “What! What are you talking about!” I told him I figured out how to make Josh’s costume. He said that he couldn’t believe I had put that much thought into a child’s costume. We both laughed for several minutes before attempting to go back to sleep.

The next day I started on the head. I was so excited that I went to my neighbor’s house to show their children. I put on the head, knocked on their door and asked the kids who am I? They all yelled Sonic. I knew then that I had done a good job. I didn’t know who Sonic was when I started this project but I did well enough that it could be recognized.

Josh worn his Sonic costume to a Halloween party. He was sure he was going to win the prize for best costume.  When he didn’t, he told his mom “They’re stupid mom don’t they know my grandma made this and it’s better than those other costumes!” I can’t tell you how happy it makes me that my grandchildren think so much of me and the things I do for them. Next year I hope to do this again.

Cool Homemade Sonic the Hedgehogn Costume

Cool Homemade Sonic the Hedgehogn Costume

Cool Homemade Sonic the Hedgehogn Costume

Cool Homemade Sonic the Hedgehogn Costume

Cool Homemade Sonic the Hedgehogn Costume

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