As a kid, my husband and I both grew up with families that loved to celebrate Halloween. His family appreciated the art of designing costumes and my family, well we just liked candy! Jason warned me the day would come when Halloween would become a full blown art competition in our household as our boys grew older.
This year ages 4 and 2, I watched as my two boys admired and assisted with creating their costumes. My four year old loves the character Knuckles from the game and now movie Sonic. Jason blew up balloons and started paper mache’ing (that’s probably not a word but you get it) their masks. My mother loves to participate with our boys so we made her a Tales mask to play along.
With a little paint and marker outline we had a Halloween that will go down in our record book as our first homemade Halloween with the boys, a new yet lasting tradition we are happy to pass down.
Knuckles and Tales My four year old with his pre-k teacher Sonic
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