Home » Theme Costumes » Cool Homemade Pregnancy Costume for a Couple: Saturday Night Fever and the Morning After Disco Ball Belly

Cool Homemade Pregnancy Costume for a Couple: Saturday Night Fever and the Morning After Disco Ball Belly

Figuring out a Halloween costume when you’re 7 months pregnant is a bit difficult.  “Bun in the oven”, pregnant nun and zombie baby bursting out of your stomach are all pretty overdone (and maybe somewhat disturbing).  We figured we’d work with what we got and turned the round shape of my belly into a disco ball!  We used shiny aluminum venting duct tape from our local hardware store, cut them into a million tiny squares, and spent the better part of an hour painstakingly sticking them to my pregnant belly.

Add an Afro wig, disco ball earrings, a shiny silver outfit, glow sticks, an iPhone blaring dance music, and you’ve got yourself a disco party!  Of course, my husband went as who else but John Travolta from Saturday Night Fever.  We were “staying alive” all night, making sure everyone was “groovin to the music” and comparing who had a bigger belly (disco ball vs. beer belly, disco ball vs. inflatable sumo wrestler suit).

Cool Homemade Pregnancy Costume for a Couple: Saturday Night Fever and the Morning After Disco Ball Belly

Cool Homemade Pregnancy Costume for a Couple: Saturday Night Fever and the Morning After Disco Ball Belly

Cool Homemade Pregnancy Costume for a Couple: Saturday Night Fever and the Morning After Disco Ball Belly

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