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Cool KISS Couple Costume

My boyfriend put together an incredible hand sewn KISS costume made entirely out of women’s clothing And auto parts. A dress became the top after some cutting and bedazzling, a bra made shoulder pads, and Between the spandex, lingerie, chrome, chains, and full makeup, I think he rocked more women’s clothes that night than I. And, he did it in such an incredibly masculine way. I was simply his understated groupie wearing only a few scraps left over from his costume and what little makeup was left after his face was done. His handy work found him selected and voted to be a finalist in the evenings costume contest and although he was not a winner, his ingenuity beat out everyone else’s canned costumes. Together we totally “rocked” Halloween.

I never thought I would ever love a man in full makeup, spandex, lingerie, and chains, or a man who could rock a studded bra better than any woman I know but i do and already I am looking forward to next Halloween to see what crazy handmade costume he will put together.

Cool KISS Couple Costume

Cool KISS Couple Costume

Cool KISS Couple Costume

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