Cool Mr Peanut Halloween Costume

We started with the idea from last years thanksgiving NewYork parade.  I went down to the near homedepot and got a sheet of foam.  We cut out circles and staked and glued them together.  It took hours to sand the foam down to the shape of a peanut.

We also made the hat out of foam as well, cut holes for the arms to stick out and cut the mouth so he could see out of. Next I put plaster strips to bond everything together, put 15 min. Sheetrock mud to make it look finished. Had to paint the whole thing white to seal the mud so we could spray paint the colors of a peanut.  Added a plexy glass eye and put a black string to finish it off with painting the eyes and eye brow, and mouth. My wife went down to a local antique store to buy a cane. With all the hard work we entered the kids in the event center contest and both kids won first. We also mad a view master out of card board. Every body loved both costumes. We love to put the time in for the kids.


Cool Mr Peanut Halloween Costume

Cool Mr Peanut Halloween Costume

Cool Mr Peanut Halloween Costume

Cool Mr Peanut Halloween Costume

Cool Mr Peanut Halloween Costume

Cool Mr Peanut Halloween Costume

Cool Mr Peanut Halloween Costume

Cool Mr Peanut Halloween Costume

Cool Mr Peanut Halloween Costume

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