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Cool Paper Mache Homer and Marge Couple Costume

“I’m going to the back seat of my car, with the woman I love, and I won’t be back for ten minutes!”

So last year me and my husband decided that we wanted to dress up and go to a costume party for the first time together but with costumes being so expensive we almost didn’t go but in less then two weeks I made these costumes out of paper mache, over 600 cotton balls painted blue for Marge’s hair, scrap fabric, foam balls (for eyes and Marge’s necklace) pipe cleaners for Homers hair and Marge’s eyelashes.

My husband was Marge and I was Homer. I was so excited about how good they turned out I never really gave any thought about how we were gonna see or talk to people out of the little eye and mouth holes in a dark bar. Everone wanted to try them on. I also made a duff beer can and a donut for Homer. We ended up winning best couple and won a gift certificate that paid our tab that night

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