Coolest Alien Abduction Costume

This is our version of the Alien abduction costume. We used a backpack to hold up the alien head, and a long black robe to cover him. The footie jammies were cut in the back so the top was on my son and bottoms were stuffed with cotton batting. I also shortened the legs of the jammies so they wouldn’t drag on the ground. We had to get them big to fit him on the top. We found the alien hands at Value village and pinned them to the front of the jammies.

He played up the whole thing with his “scream” pose. We had lots of folks trying to figure out how the costume worked. Two teen age boys were arguing over whether it was one boy or two boys in the costume.

It was quite funny! The whole illusion worked perfectly!

1 thought on “Coolest Alien Abduction Costume”

  1. Good idea using the backpack to hold the alien up. I’m going to try to put something like this together this year. Thanks for posting how you did it.


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