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Coolest Aquarium Halloween Costume

I made this aquarium costume for my 3 year old son using a box for the base, 2 yards of material (could use a cheap table cloth), a swimming cap, craft foam, fake eye lashes, aquarium gravel, thin strips of wood, and fish tank decor.

I started by cutting the bottom out of the box and hole in the top for his head. Cover the box with material (table cloth) and cut the hole in the fabric for his head. I painted the strips of wood black, and glued them to the box to form the tank. Next I used hot glue to cover the top of the box with aquarium rock. I also glued some sea shells and other aquarium decor to create the inside of the tank around the head hole.

My son wanted to be Nemo, so I found an orange swimming cap and orange craft foam at our Dollar Tree. I cut fins and a tail out of the craft foam and sewed it to the swimming cap. I them used blue paint to create the marking of a clown fish or “Nemo” fish. (to add detail you could paint the child’s face orange and add fake eyelashes. Ask them to make a “fishie face”- my 3 year old wouldn’t cooperate for that much detail haha)

To assemble the costume for wear simply set the costume down over the child’s head and put the swim cap on their head.

I didn’t get a good picture of my son in the costume, therefore my friends little boy put it on for the picture you see.

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