This baby golfer in a golf cart stroller costume is so easy, all I used was: Single Stroller, large sheets of card board , several different sized boxes, 4 wrapping paper cores, hot glue and glue gun, newspapers, water, flour, and large bowl for paper mache, long bolt (longer than 3 inches) with matching wing nut, nylon cord or wire, strips of adhesive Velcro, Styrofoam, masking tape or duct tape, white vinyl table cloth material, scissors, box cutter, a plastic toy golf bag and clubs, and paint. Also, having a sheet of craft foam and a Cricut die cutting machine would help, but is not completely necessary. It will just make the letters for the front emblem of the golf cart easier to make. You can find most of the large boxes behind stores like Wal-Mart or Home Depot, even some furniture stores or rental places might have them in their trash out back. If you fail at looking near dumpsters and are desperate, it wouldn’t hurt to ask if they have them in the back of their stores.

Start with a single stroller with a canopy. Find a large sheet of cardboard that will be the right size for the golf cart roof. Glue the card board wrapping paper cores to each of the four corners of the large cardboard. Make sure the more attractive/ not all marked and scratched up side is opposite of the side you glue the cores to. It will be the part that shows on top. Now find a box that will be as wide as the stroller front, and tall enough to look right for the front of the golf cart. Cut the side of the box off that will be touching the stroller. Cut notches out on the bottom of the box so that it will fit on the stroller, just above the front wheels.
Find another smaller box where you will put the steering wheel. A shoebox or similar will work. Cut from corner to corner, all the way through so you are left with a triangle wedge, with only one open side. Place the open side down on top of the larger box for the front of the golf cart, with the tapered side facing toward the front. With masking tape, tape the tapered end of the box onto the larger box so that it can open and shut like a door. I made a steering wheel by cutting pieces of flexible Styrofoam from an old pool “noodle” and shaping it into a circle, taping it with masking tape, and then putting the middle pieces of the steering wheel made out of the Styrofoam in with tooth picks poked into the foam to hold it in place.
Hot glued the pieces, then paper mached the entire steering wheel. Once dry, I spray painted black, and then poked a hole through the middle so that the bolt would slide through. I attached it to the flat side facing the seat of the wedge box on the front of the golf cart by making a hole large enough for the bolt to slide in, then lift up the wedge that was taped like a door, and secured the bolt from the inside of the box with the wing nut. Now you can tape the wedge shaped box down. The steering wheel should be able to spin, giving the child some entertainment.
With the roof of the cart resting on the open canopy of the stroller and the 4 poles hanging down, trace circles around where the poles meet the top of the front box. Using a box cutter, cut those circles out and stick the poles down into the holes and glue and tape around them from underneath or inside the box. Take two sheets of card board that are large enough to make the sides. Draw one side, long enough to stop at the back storage basket underneath the stroller. Now make the other side exactly the same. It would help to cut one side out with the box cutter and then trace out the other piece. Now make another panel to go on the back of the stroller, just slightly wider than the stroller that will fit across the top of the back of the storage basket (that most strollers have) and stop just below the point where the seat reclines.

Tape the two side panels and the back panel together with masking tape. Just on the inside of the sides of the front box on both sides, put a small strip of adhesive Velcro. Now put the corresponding Velcro mate on the same side of the side panels that will meet with the Velcro on the inside of the front box. The reason it is 2 pieces is so that you can take it apart easily and fold up the stroller if you are traveling in the car before you get to your costume destination or trick or treat location. On the top of the cart roof at the back, punch a hole to run the nylon cord or wire through and then tie it to the handle bar of the stroller to keep it from sliding around or falling off. Take everything off the stroller and paint it your desired colors.
Once dry, put it all back on the stroller. I used the vinyl table cloth and cut rounded strips and attached to the top of the cart roof with hot glue to make a canopy all around it. Then I used a Cricut to cut out “Club Car” and make the front emblem. Head lights can be painted on or just use silver glitter. Last but not least, you can attach the toy golf club bag with some cord or wire to one of the back poles on the side. Make sure you dress your baby in a little golfer outfit and add a cute golfer style hat to top it off. He will have a lot of fun playing with the steering wheel as he travels down the fairway!

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