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Coolest Beer Bottles Costume

Well, we actually got the idea for this Homemade Beer Bottles Costume from some of the other postings on your website. But, we thought we could really do the costume up right. So, for the box, we framed-up individual boxes out of wood and covered them in cardboard (we added drink holders on the inside so we could do the local pub crawl). The guys’ boxes had the backs on them, so when we all got into position, we’d look like a six-pack. We put them in place and primed and painted the base with roll-on matched color latex. We then spray painted the light blue and hand-lettered the rest of the type to try and match the fonts. We added ropes on the inside of each box so we could pick up and carry them around.

That was about it! Our bottle costumes were made of a silky, stretchy polyester. We cut the fabric and pieced the hoods and body into one and then sewed them together. The blue on the bottles is cut-up t-shirts, because we couldn’t find the right color of felt. The white type on each bottle is cut from sticky felt. We stuffed the top with stuffing and pinned felt at the top so it wouldn’t come out. We then cut pie pans to fit each bottle and then printed out at logo from the computer to glue to the top. We just duct taped the lids to the top.

We had a blast, and were the hit of our town’s pub crawl!!

Coolest Beer Bottles Costume

Coolest Beer Bottles Costume

Coolest Beer Bottles Costume

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