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Coolest Captain Planet Homemade Costume

I’ve always loved Captain Planet as a kid and I’d been thinking about it for years now. I finally just went out and made a Captain Planet costume and the Planeteers costume.

For the costume I went to a pound shop first and picked up a long sleeve shirt and long johns and dyed blue. I made sure that they were pretty tight so it looked like skin. Also picked up a pair of old red socks and gloves.

Then I went over to Penneys and picked up a tight red t-shirt and a pair of red underpants. Also grabbed a high visibility vest from home. I cut the high v’s into an oval and glued it on the red t-shirt in the center of the chest. Then I cut off the sleeves of the T-shirt.

I finally put the whole costume on and added some spray hair color and there it was Captain Planet. He’s Our Hero.

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