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Coolest Captured By A Monster Costume

This idea came from the abducted by an alien costume. I had bought some masks, and skeleton gloves on clearance and didn’t know what I was going to do with them. When I saw the idea for the abducted by an alien costume, I tried to come up with something similar and this is what I came up with.

First I used an old book bag so he could carry this costume around. I stuffed the mask with news paper and tape until it had the shape of a head then I used one piece of PVC piping to support the body of the monster. I used a hot glue gun to melt in two holes on the sides of the PVC pipe. Once I had made the 2 holes then I put metal wiring through the pipe to make the shape of the shoulders and hands.

To give the wire the thickness needed to look like real shoulders I covered the wiring with foam pool noodles I had bought on clearance. Once I had the shape of the body I attached the head to the PVC pipe with hot glue. I then took the book bag, made a hole on the top of the book bag and put the PVC pipe inside. To avoid the PVC pipe from leaning to the sides I held the PVC pipe right in the middle of the book bag and marked and made holes on the book bag and then I secured it with plastic straps.

Once my son had the book bag on, I covered him and the monster with dark fabric.

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