Coolest Charlie’s Angels Costume

My coworker’s and I dressed up as the Charlie’s Angel’s crew… Lucy Lui, Cameron Diaz and Drew Barrymore. This Homemade Charlie’s Angels Costume was a lot of fun and easy to do. We all bought some cheap pleather pants at Target and then wore a black shirt and black boots that we already owned. We wanted to copy the DVD Cover Art so one of the designer’s at work took some pictures of us and replicated the DVD Artwork via photoshop. We also took some other pictures of us kicking butt via karate chops, high jump kicks in alleys and what not. It was so funny. We posted some of the pictures around our work place for a few laughs.

We won 1st place for Best Look Alike/Movie Character Contest at my work. Good times!!

Homemade Charlie's Angels Costume

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