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Coolest Corona 6-Pack Group Costume

The week before a Halloween Costume Party myself and my family were still at a loss for a creative idea. I am not a fan of store bought bagged-costumes. As I was sitting in a bar one night with some friends, I grabbed a napkin and a pen and started drawing a six pack. Then it all hit me, a Corona 6-Pack Group Costume.

The creative juices started flowing. We knew we wanted to be a six pack of some type of beer but didn’t know which one. We chose Corona because it was the simplest to re-create. The colors, the lime, etc. Or so we thought. It took us an entire week, up to, and including the day of the party.

Once we bought out the entire stock of yellow felt at JoAnn Fabrics, I knew this was going to be a hit. It was all hand-crafted and painted. We (and by “we” I mean my father) put door hinges on each of the corners of the box so we could get in and out without a problem.

We were the hit of the party as soon as we walked through the door and won best costume. I think its safe to say that we did Corona proud. Now lets hope we can top it this year!

 Corona 6 Pack Group Costume

 Corona 6 Pack Group Costume

 Corona 6 Pack Group Costume

10 thoughts on “Coolest Corona 6-Pack Group Costume”

  1. I am trying to make my son a root beer costume (A & W plastic bottle), but I can’t figure out the narrow neck and cap. How did you get your “lids” to stand up like that?

  2. Would I be able to buy this costume, box included, off from you.
    please let me know if that is an option, I live in New York and obviously would pay for shipping etc.
    Thank you,

  3. This was a great costume but I heard that the great looking kids who were Harry and Lloyd from dumb n dumber got the best costume award.

  4. Gotta tell you best costume I ever saw!! Any chance you can tell me how you made it?? Have a really big event I am going to and that costume is perfect. Thank you!!

  5. My friends and I are going to be doing this costume this year. Can you please give me information on how you made the costumes? You said they were made out of felt? And how did you do the hats? and what is the box made out of? wood or cardboard? This is such a great idea! Any info you could give me I would really appreciate it.


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