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Coolest Dave Thomas and Wendy’s Girl Couple Costume

This year’s costumes were Dave Thomas and the Wendy’s girl. These costumes were thrown together at the last minute. For Dave I took a red apron and ironed on the Wendy’s logo. I sprayed his hair and eyebrows white, added a neck tie, glasses and a spatula.

For the Wendy’s girl costume I took a store bought Alice and Wonderland costume and embellished it. I made a blue and white striped undershirt and a name tag. I braided pipe cleaners in the red wig to make the pig tails stick out. I went to the Wendy’s Food chain and picked up a tray, cups, French fry holder, and a takeout bag. I hot glued the bag and cups to the tray. I stuffed the bag with paper towels and folded it. I used play dough to make a milk shake top in one of the cups. I put left over French fries in the holder and glued them down on the tray.

We got a lot of attention for our Homemade Dave Thomas and Wendy’s Girl Couple Costume at the Halloween party.

Homemade Dave Thomas and Wendy's Girl Couple Costume

Homemade Dave Thomas and Wendy's Girl Couple Costume

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