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Coolest Devil Queen Costume

As you can see from my Halloween photos this Devil Queen costume is really easy even if you do not sew! I do not own a sewing machine so I use hot glue fishing line and a large needle. For the headdress you will need chicken wire to form the two horns, make two cones out of the chicken wire, combine at the base and use a little extra chicken wire to make it fit on your head (use wire cutters and wear work gloves) by cutting the chicken wire you fold the cut wires onto it to hold.

I then covered the chicken wire base with less than a yard of black velvet which I bought at Wal-Mart on the clearance table. I attached an old wig in between the horns and attached a scrap of sheer black material on the tips of the horns. For the dress I bought four yards of whatever is the cheapest material from again Wal-Mart. I took the material; folded in half length wise and laid on a table I took one of my tee shirts on top for a pattern and traced the outline onto the material then hot glue the seams together. I then sewed seams loosely with the fishing line. I then attached less than a yard of animal print material on the bottom of the costume.

For the makeup, clown white for the base and I only used black grease paint for the eye makeup, lips and shadows on cheeks. black out neck with the black grease paint. Buy those clown plastic eyelashes, trim the length. I borrowed the feathers for a muff.

Thanks for all the great costumes and Halloween photos on this site!

Total Spent: $50

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