This was a CHALLENGING costume! Ruby Rhod from the movie The Fifth Element. This costume was a doozy! The jumpsuit I made with lepoard printed spandex. I had no pattern so I made the pieces up off the top of my head. It has snap closures which were hand sewn on. The color is made of the spandex, interfacing and boning. I also made the shoe cover at knee length with lepoard spandex and elastic bands. Then I got a plastic gold stick and wrapped it with leaped fabric and glued it down. (I didn’t make the wig…it was purchased my an independent artist) I made A LOT of mistakes and if I could do it over again I WOULD!!! Trial and error I guess. This is my first attempt at men’s clothing….mens portions are super hard to work with (in my opinion). But anywho…tah-dah!! Here’s my attempt at Ruby Rhod!
Coolest DIY Ruby Rhod Costume from The Fifth Element

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