Coolest Dog and Beth Couple Costume

My girlfriend and I wanted to be Dog and Beth for Halloween. I bought some old GI Joe walkie talkies off of Ebay and spray painted them black and added a homemade mike out of a couple juice boxes and a old black phone cord for the police radios for both of our costumes. Then I purchased the pink Dog The Bounty Hunter tshirt off of Ebay for the Beth costume.

I used my own leather vest, black jeans and leather vest for Dog. I used a empty can of WD40 wrapped it in black tape for the Mace can look for Dog. The wig and other accessories were purchased separately. We wanted to look close to the real thing.

We took 2nd place for our Homemade Dog and Beth Couple Costume at the Halloween party we attended. Let us know what ya think.

Homemade Dog and Beth Couple Costume

Homemade Dog and Beth Couple Costume

Homemade Dog and Beth Couple Costume

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