Coolest Dog The Bounty Hunter Costume

This Dog the Bounty Hunter and his wife were definitely a last minute decision. We found two blond wigs and went clothes shopping for some black outfits. We used fake tattoos,balloons for big breasts,a belt with various items such as an empty spray paint can painted flat black with the words “BAD GUY SPRAY” on it.

The arm bands were simple small necklaces and beads. We had those cheap plastic hand cuffs and walkie talkies. We won 1st prize at a night club for best couple. These costumes might have cost $40.00 and very little time but was a huge laugh for everyone. Some people at parties thought I was Dee Schnider From Twisted Sister which I found to be just as funny as Dog.

We are going to upload next years costumes that are going to be hilarious, they are already underway.

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