Coolest Dr. Who Weeping Angel Costume

When my daughter asked me to make her a weeping angel costume, I was pleased because I love Doctor Who and Blink is one of my favourite episodes.

However, as I started planning, I realized how much work it would be to make it realistic!

My equipment included two grey bed sheets, a granny wig, a mop and a whole lot of cardboard.

I started by cutting out the wing shapes, then six layers of feathers, three for each side. I covered the whole lot in watered down PVA glue, laid on one of the bed sheets, and pasted another layer of glue on top, smoothing the fabric into the feather shapes as I went. I repeated this process on the other side after leaving overnight to dry. Once they had dried completely, I shaded with chalk and black crayon to define the 3-D effect.

For the dress, I cut a hole in the middle if the second sheet, about the width of her shoulders. Then sewed pleats around the neckline to create the great dress effect. Make sure the hole ends up big enough to fit a head through. Mine was too small on first attempt. :/ I put the ‘dress’ onto my daughter and added a grey ribbon belt. The key to making a statue-like dress was pleats and folds, shading and shadow, so I pinched the fabric at random points and stitched it together to gather the fabric. This also helped to get the right length without hemming!

The wig was a bought ‘granny wig’ after my first attempt to dye a yarn mop head ended in a disintegrated mop. I painted some darker face-paint onto the wig and then used a glue gun to stick some plaits and strands of the said mop onto the top to try and get my desired carved effect.

I also dyed a plain white top dark grey and my daughter then wore this under the dress and pulled the sleeves up a bit for ruchin. Once I had her in the dress, I attached the wings with more grey ribbon. Then I applied face-paint to her face, neck and lower arms and shaded with dark grey eye-shadow. I used the chalk again to highlight the pleats on the dress. Finally, I pulled down some ivy from the garden and decorated her with it! She used some vampire teeth for when she wanted to be scary.

As a final touch, I carved the pumpkin with ivy shapes. A girl’s got to accessorize!

She looked fantastic in the end and was so pleased; it was worth all the work. :)

She won first prize at her school’s Halloween party and when we went guising (trick or treating in Scotland), she actually got a bit bored of accepting praises! Of course I made sure she was polite! All the other parents were asking me how I managed it and whether I could make their kids’ costumes next year. I said I would, If I could give up my day job! :)

Coolest Dr. Who Weeping Angel Costume

Coolest Dr. Who Weeping Angel Costume

Coolest Dr. Who Weeping Angel Costume

Coolest Dr. Who Weeping Angel Costume

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