Coolest Ghostbusters Costume

Here is our Completely Homemade Ghostbuster and StayPuft. All but the Ghostbuster patches were homemade. We had a great time and the Stay Puft was the center of attention all night. He WAS hard to miss!

Our Ghostbuster pack was packed with lights. We used battery operated LED Christmas lights and blinky star lights in the “cyclotron” I added EL wire to the end of the gun to illustrate the blasting as in the movies.

StayPuft was made from foam pipe insulation, duct tape and foam sheeting. He was covered in white polar fleece fabric. The head was paper mache and paint. for his feet we covered white Crocs with the foam and fabric. Leg marshmallows were attached to white sweatpants.

Homemade Ghostbusters Costume

Homemade Ghostbusters Costume

4 thoughts on “Coolest Ghostbusters Costume”

  1. Please please give me detailed instructions on how to make both of these costumes. My son’s 6th birthday party is in October and something like this would blow his mind!!! It would be something I know he would always look back on and say “Wow mom. That was pretty cool!”. Plus me and his sister (who is 4) always try to wear matching themed costumes and they would LOVE me for doing this for them!! If you would, please e-mail me at

  2. Hello, I am working on creating a costume for Halloween. I am just curious how you got the shape of the head.
    Thank you for any help!


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